Trinkets, 22 (d100)

Description (more info)

Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.

d100 Result


A small, Roll on "Random Colour Table" folded paper bird. When unfolded, it refolds itself and any crumples or tears it has sustained magically fix themselves.


An eyepatch resembling a large flower that covers the entire eye of the creature wearing it. When applied to a creature’s face, the eyepatch grows rootlike tendrils that wrap around the bearer’s head to secure it.


A set of fish jaws fashioned into a bracelet. When worn, the bearer has an in depth knowledge of northern pike.


A bracelet made from a lattice of woven brass. It automatically adjusts itself to the wrist size of its bearer.


A shimmery cloak clasp depicting a violin and a sword. It smells vaguely of ash and fire.


A sealed metal tin labeled “Armstrong Mustache Wax”. According to the description, the recipe has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations


A glazed porcelain pipe. Everything about it seems vaguely familiar, but you aren’t sure why.


An old and beaten up steel drinking flask. After carrying the object for more than 1d4 hours, the bearer becomes convinced that the flask has to be kept a secret.


An uncannily familiar face etched into a piece of dead wood.


A marble pyramid, small enough to fit in a human’s palm. When held, shadows seem to flicker in the corners of the bearer’s vision.


A glass marble that looks a bit like a lizard’s eye and is always a bit cold to the touch.


A dried yellow tulip bulb that becomes healthy and opens when brought into especially strong sunlight.


A rather clunky cube of dark wood, engraved with hypnotizing patterns.


A hand sized, grey, stone statuette of a woman. It’s exceptionally detailed for its size, as even the folds in her cloak look almost lifelike.


A sewing needle made from some type of unknown, otherworldly metal.


A maroon eye patch, covered in fine embroidery that depicts tangled rose vines.


A polished wooden carving of a fish that turns a vibrant green when placed in water.


A polished mirror in a simple wooden frame. Looking into it for too long makes people feel uneasy in a way they cannot fully describe.


A crudely made wool, right handed glove, that’s always pleasantly warm.


A fist sized crystal that looks like it holds trapped smoke. It is easily scratched.


A velvet pouch filled with coarse sand that feels weightless.


A bronze brooch in the shape of a feather that lets off a faint glow.


A single Roll on "Random Colour Table" dragon scale, worn away by time.


A glass bottle of some type of potent-smelling tonic. It’s taste is gritty and bitter, and somewhat reminiscent of charcoal.


A leaf that never rots, wilts or decays. Purple speckles dapple its surface whenever it’s held in the light.


An empty section of honeycomb. It causes an almost electric tingle if touched to bare skin.


A lock of fur tied into a tight bundle with a parchment scrap beside it. It reads, “Pelt Sample #027”.


A gilded teacup, laced with a spiderweb of thin cracks. Despite the cracks, it never seems to break.


A slip of tattered paper covered in something resembling letters. It seems to be a poem written in an old language.


A tightly rolled scroll. Reading reveals it to be someone’s diary. They apparently had a dramatic life.


A simple, copper belt buckle.


A twisted, grey wooden walking cane sized for a halfling.


An ornate, tarnished key with two prongs. Neither end seems to be able to open anything.


A rich, purple hand fan. Intricate designs of peacocks cover it’s surface when unfolded.


A small piece of dead brain coral. Your mind feels at ease when you hold it.


A tablet of fired clay. Dozens of names are written on its surface.


An iron-bound bullhorn


A small bone whistle carved with symbols and imagery of death. When blown it creates shrill, eerie notes that echos into the distance.


A simple white ribbon. While it is attached to clothing, the bearer finds it difficult to fall asleep.


An urgent letter requesting help. The date indicates that it’s from over a hundred years ago, but its linguistics are more suited to more current times.


A used incense burner crafted from a human sternum.


A finely beaded women’s handbag. The beads are made of glass, and the different colors have been sewn into an image of a sandwich.


A large, dark blue button. On it is a baby’s bassinet painted in gold.


A sewing kit filled with cacti needles with fine holes in the end instead of regular sewing needles.


A set of watercolor brushes perfectly sized for a gnome.


A bronze calligraphy pen covered in filigree patterns. When used as a writing utensil, the bearer will be incapable of stopping themselves from adding an “e”, or that languages equivalent, to the end of every word.


A whetstone that will sharpen blades, but only if the bearer asks nicely first. If the bearer does not ask, every blade they attempt to sharpen will become increasingly dull.


A large vial made of smokey quartz, whose plug is comprised of compressed grass and glue.


A deck of well worn playing cards, marked with indeterminable stains and smelling of cigar smoke and whiskey.


A small bracelet made up of a series of interlocking clockwork mechanisms and ring puzzles.


A pamphlet for a new church in an unfamiliar town. It details their strong beliefs in polyamorous relationships and their condemnation for magic of any kind.


A pamphlet for a lecture on the differences between gnomes and halflings in a town not too far away.


A six inch coffin, hand carved from elm. The inside is padded and covered in light pink silk.


A plain oaken case, the inside of which is lined in plush, royal blue velvet. The velvet has three indents on which lie three ordinary looking pine cones.


A poorly made porcelain vase with gold leaf randomly placed on it.


A mason jar with a scattering of unicorn hair across the bottom.


A stuffed toy frog with amber, glass eyes. When in possession of the bearer, they will notice that the air around them is oddly absent of bugs.


A set of fake eyelashes made out of owlbear fur.


A short haired wig made from owlbear fur.


A long haired, black wig made from the hair of a horse’s mane. There are strands of gold woven through it.


A fairly unused set of Orcish dentures. The canine teeth are made of silver.


A crystal perfume bottle half filled with a potent, musky scent.


A gnome sized silver hair brush. On it in Orcish script is crudely scratched “Remember Me”


Several dried moose ears sewn together and fashioned into a sheath for an average sized dagger


A black linen sleeping mask that covers the bearer’s eyes during sleep to stop light from bothering the bearer.


A clear hermit crab shell made of glass.


A small bowl made of bronze. If any liquid but water is put in it, it will take on a salty taste.


An off-white canvas bag with a green and bronze dragon embroidered on it. It always smells of a campfire that has just been put out.


A small pillbox made out of layered purple, metallic scales. A close examination reveals that the scales are metallic, but even a knowledgeable PC cannot identify what creature they originally belonged to.


A small bag containing a set of a dozen 2x2 cm steel cubes.


A large riding crop with steel studs in it. A creature hit by it immediately develops a series of bloody welts in their skin which spell out the word “Ouch”.


A pair of Roll on "Random Colour Table" silk stockings.


A flute that makes no sound, no matter how it is played. It’s surface is a shimmery grey.


A heartfelt poem about unrequited love on a pristine scroll.


A stone tablet, with etchings of great heroes covering it. All of their eyes are scratched out.


A sketch depicting a wilting rose that causes anyone who looks at it to feel bleak.


A flamboyant masquerade mask with large, rare feathers coming from one side. There’s a small chip under the left eye.


A ragged piece of burlap with the personal crest of a wealthy merchant inked onto it.


A set of smooth iron bangles. They have a decent weight to them, as if they’re pure rather than plated.


A broad cavalier hat that’s a bit old, but it’s still fairly stylish.


An ornate saucer painted with scenes of songbirds in flight. Whenever you aren’t looking directly at it, the birds seem to move.


A wooden birdhouse, carved and painted to look like a castle.


A wooden spool with three feet of coiled copper wire.


A specially crafted steel cage that looks like it could hold about five rats. It includes stout leather straps around its open end and a metal crucible for holding hot charcoal or other fuel on its top end. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize this as a torture device used by tightly strapping the open end of the device to a helpless victim’s abdomen, inserting the rats into the cage, and setting the crucible’s fuel alight. The increasing strong heat of the metal crucible causes the rats to gnaw and dig their way through the victim’s abdomen to escape. Panicked rats will chew clear through the victim’s body in order to escape the heat.


A deck of illustrated fortune-teller’s cards, used by those in tune with the spirit world to predict the future, and by charlatans to take money from gullible or desperate people. The deck is made of quality wooden plaques with painted color images and is stored in a smooth leather case.


A large suitcase containing a croquet set. It includes four wooden mallets, nine wooden wickets (goals), and four wooden balls.


A suitcase containing a dartboard set. It includes a multicolored board that breaks into four smaller pieces for easy travel and six brass-tipped darts. The board itself consists of a layer of of painted cork on hardwood backing.


A wooden box containing a set of dominoes. There are 28 white marble tiles with pips on each end.


A set of four brightly colored juggling sticks adorned with colorful streamers that can be tossed and manipulated to create displays and patterns.


A leather case containing two iron stakes and four iron horseshoes.


A thin length of rope with many oddly shaped bits of hollow metal fixed along its length. Commonly known as a roar cord, a creature can swing it over their head to generate a variety of eerie noises.


A broad-brimmed straw hat with a green linen band


A cast iron skillet whose perfect mirror surface never scratches.


A wood cased harmonica trimmed in tin


A small sack containing 30 gold pieces. Perceptive PC’s will notice that they are all fakes, with thin gold plating over lead coins.


A palm sized rock with a lifelike mouth painted on it. While in a creature’s possession, any laugh, chuckle or giggle the bearer utters sounds forced or fake, even if it’s genuine.


An anklet made from fresh liquid blood, held together by odd magic.


A strange horn made of a winding pretzel of valves and tubes that according to the maker’s mark, was finely crafted by a powerful bard. Knowledgeable PC’s will remember that the horn was constructed for one purpose, to lock a terrible beast away deep within the mountain of Redwall. It contains a large portion of the life essence of that bard and to this day it remains as the solitary key to the door that holds the beast at bay. No one knows who this bard was, but he remains an unsung hero of the city.


A demon skin stretched over a black wooden war drum that creates deep growling rumbles when beaten.


A driftwood coin whose color is constantly swirling in different muted hues, from pale gray to seafoam green and even thin stripes of black. The surface of the coin is utterly smooth, as if it has spent an aeon at the bottom of the sea. Despite this, the elven queen and king that adorn its opposite faces are still depicted in perfect detail.