Random Family


Resolve: { .| {%MissingMother="Y"%}} Resolve: {| {%MissingFather="Y"%}}

Birth parents
* Resolve: {Your birth father Roll on "FamilyMemberDetails".|You do not know who your birth father was {%UnknownFather="Y"%}}{%if MissingFather == "Y"%}
* He Resolve: {Roll on "Cause of Death"| disappeared | abandoned the family | was enslaved or taken away}{%end%}
* Resolve: {Your birth mother Roll on "FamilyMemberDetails".|You do not know who your birth mother was{%UnknownMother="Y"%}} {%if MissingMother == "Y"%}
* She Resolve: { disappeared | abandoned the family | was enslaved or taken away | Roll on "Cause of Death"

Place of birth: Roll on "Birthplace"

Raised by
{%if MissingMother == "Y"%}

{%if MissingFather == "Y"%}
* Roll on "RaisedBy" (cols="1", filter="MP").


  • Roll on "RaisedBy" (cols="1", filter="MM")
    {%if MissingFather == "Y"%}
  • Roll on "RaisedBy" (cols="1", filter="MF").


  • Roll on "RaisedBy" (cols="1", filter="NO")


Resolve: { | a strange event coincided with your birth e.g {the moon briefly turning red| all the milk within a mile spoiling| the water in the area freezing solid in midsummer| all the iron in the home {rusting | turning to silver}}, or some other unusual event of your choice.}

{%sibs= {CHART(15152)}%}

You have {$sibs} siblings.

Roll on "Sibling" {$sibs} times (unique results only)
