Trinkets, 37 (d100)

Description (more info)

Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.

d100 Result


A blue steel mask that resembles a face at rest, emotionless and cold to the touch when not worn.


A small silver orb with the word “McGuffin” acid etched into its surface. It is coveted by all who look upon it.


A jar filled with potpourri that smells like their childhood home to each person who smells it.


A charm made from small pieces of whale bone fastened together by metal and leather and etched with strange sigils. The object has been treated with mixtures of rare herbs and other substances and the entire bonecharm hums with power, creating a faint but distinctive ‘song’ that the spiritually perceptive can hear.


A small, polished, fossilized cross-section of wood. The interior cracks have filled with some opalescent material in shimmering blues and green. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the mineral as opalized wood.


A double recorder hewn from a strange, pale ivory not of this earth.


An iron pocket watch with the chain extruding from an eagle’s mouth mounted into the top of the watch. The clasp at the end of the chain is a talon.


A small, handheld harp made from the wishbone of a celestial griffin. It was alchemically treated with elemental fire, laminated with entsap, and enameled with scenes from myth and legend. The instrument is translucent and slightly opalescent in coloration and strung with mithril wire.


A dozen glass roses are arranged in a lovely bouquet. A ribbon of purple silk around one of them has an ivory card attached. The words on the card say, “Glass thorns cut more deeply, my dear.”


A glass bauble with no visible means of opening it contains blue sand and white insects that resemble ants but have iridescent wings. When they fly, a pleasant and soothing song emanates from the bauble.


A white ceramic mug with an unknown substance or creature that has excess of writhing gray tendrils coming out of it.


A dartboard that has a picture of the local regent on it. The eyes currently have darts sticking out of them.


A dark, mahogany box roughly the size of a dozen coins. The box does not appear to have any obvious hinges or opening mechanisms. A perceptive PC will discover a tiny hidden latch that opens the box. Inside and laid together are a matching set of ten gold coins. Each coin is ornately crafted, but slight variations in the coins suggest that they may have been individually handmade.


A smoky black precious stone. When held up to the light you can see the back of a devil pressed against the gem, but no matter how you turn it, you can never see its face.


A small pouch with a moist eye within it. When you bring it into the light, you see the pupil quickly constrict. A PC well versed in religion can tell that this is the living eye of a dedicated follower of the god of orcs. The original owner can still see from this eye.


An ink dip pen made entirely of tiny bones, complete with matching ink pot.


A mummified baby wrapped in funerary wrappings with a solid silver and gold scarab on its neck on a very tight dried leather thong.


A basilisk egg, tightly bound within a leather pouch and swaddled in a bundle of furs.


A small sack filled with eight gears and springs of incremental sizes that appear to be of the same make or set.


A Gnome’s skull that possesses a distinct odour of wine and gnome blood, faint to a human, but strong to a race with keen noses, like elves or kobolds. Rough garnets the color of clotted blood have been pounded into the skull, along with nails of silver and gold. Around lower edges of the brain-case, the tails of giant weasels have been attached, giving the item a furry fringe. The jaw has been wired to the skull with silver wire and a wispy fringe of beard and mustache cling to the bits of dried skin around the skull’s mouth. Runes of foul power have been chiselled into the bone.


A small bag made of chainmail, tightly tied closed and locked. Found inside is a heart made of glass.


A grossly oversized fist-shaped gauntlet that is a fused amalgamation of plates, spurs, gears, and rivets. It smells of grease and machinery.


A child’s toy chariot with the face made from a stuffed growling dog.


An unsettling ceramic figurine of a whale with a mouth full of victims.


A pair of repulsive metal bells designed like bloated women eating fish.


A drum, set with stretched gargoyle hide and woven with choker sinews. It requires a strong arm to pound the instrument but the sound is unique, like a deep thumping of stone.


A black fan made of kobold skin with graphic images of kobold torment.


A worn-looking box of dark wood, fitted with simple hinges of brass, is roughly the size of a man’s head, and rattles when moved. The interior contains a collection of tiny humanoid bones. The underside of the lid bears writing that appears in the primary language of anyone reading it, and states that the most recent reader is attuned with the box. No further explanation is to be found within.


A masterwork steel lute with a triangular body and a headstock that resembles a carved demon’s skull.


A strand of ten flat black stones on a knotted leather thong, each carved with the “Yr” rune and roughly the size of a typical gold piece.


A gleaming crystal shard that shifts its coloration every few seconds, hurting the eyes of witnesses as it does so.


An eel-hide leather pouch filled with an unspeakably foul-tasting coarse salt.


A grey leather vest is made of the rough, tanned hide of a goblin shark.


Orb of forgetfulness. When touched the orb you will remember the last thing you tried to think about but forgot. You will however forget why you wanted to remember it.


A small silk pillow has split open here to reveal that it has been stuffed entirely with brilliant golden hair.


A handwritten note which reads, in part: “She keeps it in the vanity. Without it, there’s no proof.”


A porcelain mask resembles a skull with its mouth sowed shut.


A box made to resemble a heavily pregnant woman with fangs instead of teeth. Her copious belly contains a rather grotesque image of an infant with three heads, each with an open mouth like a key-hole.


A large hourglass labelled “The World Entire.” There isn’t much sand left in the top bulb.


A clay pipe with the name “Underhill” inscribed on the side.


A copy of Playdrake magazines. Its pages are filled with lewd images and salacious stories of draconic females. It is not suitable for minors.


A small wooden bowl engraved with the heads of a snarling lion, bear, a screaming eagle, and a fish’s face.


A vial of scented oil that can be burned as incense of worn as a perfume. Everyone smells something different but, always something nostalgic and a bit sad.


A cube three inches across, made of thin glass of six different colors, one on each face. When it is placed on a side, the colors shift until they finally settle with one color on top (sometimes the same color that was placed, often a different one). There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to which colour ends up where.


A leather vest with one hundred pockets, divided between the outside inside and a number of secret hidden ones. One of the pockets contains a four leaf clover.


A guitar that, regardless of what string is plucked, will always produce the same set of notes in the same order. Only the speed at which these notes are produced can be changed.


An iron orb that always rolls against gravity, but only while in contact with a solid surface. If not in contact with a solid surface, it has no unusual properties.


A gemstone that takes on the appearance of the birth stone of the last person to touch it.


A chess set that animates and attacks people who attempt to cheat at the game.


A vivid, deep purple crystal that appears to consist of a random assortment of thousands of tiny cubes bound together. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the mineral as fluorite.


A small hood for a trained falcon. Any bird wearing the hood does not need to eat or drink as long as the hood remains on.


A pair of small metal rods, each about five inches long and a half inch wide, with bulbs at one end. When held, the bulb transmutes into the proper utensil needed for the current meal.


A glass jar that automatically separates any liquid poured into it into multiple layers of individual substances, as though a centrifuge had been employed.


A braided lanyard bearing the words “BEST FRINEDS”. When the wearer of this braided lanyard closes their eyes, they experience the sensations of having warm sun shining on their face and a gentle breeze tousling their hair. The scent of campfire smoke can be smelled, and the laughter of children can be heard.


A pen of exquisite craftsmanship with a body like smooth, polished marble and gold trimming. The pen has a small golden leaver where in the tip of the pen can be touched to the shadow of an individual’s head and enough ink for a full sheet of paper is extracted.


A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a mousetrap, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the ratcatcher’s guild. The section containing the member’s physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.


Mirror of Self-Interest: A small steel mirror that doesn’t reflect anything but the face of the person holding it. However, this image of the person is perfect, devoid of any flaws or incongruities with the holder’s appearance as though they were the most attractive person in the province. This image is also only visible to the bearer.


A black and purple scale of some enormous horror of the far realm.


A velvet coin purse containing half a dozen egg-sized polished stones in various natural hues.


A skull carved out of charcoal. When burned, the skull will turn into a pile of ash. Within an hour, the skull reforms into charcoal.


A thick caribou skin frontier jacket covered in mythological scenes.


A perfectly preserved human brain, encased in a large dome of clear glass.


Apple of Doubt: A fruit that looks like an apple, it tastes like an apple, it smells like an apple, for all intents and purposes it appears to be an apple, but you are certain it is not an apple.


A blood red mask made from carefully sculpted bone, shaped to look like the face of a grinning demon. The eyes of the mask are the only parts that are open, with the eyes of the bearer appearing bright crimson while looking through it.


A suncatcher in the shape of an evil deity literally catches the light of the sun, forming a hazy space of shadows around it.


A large, round-bottomed flask containing a faintly golden liquid which smells sweet, but overwhelmingly of alcohol.


A deck of cards carefully organized within a small box. The card faces are beautiful but contain a great deal of seemingly meaningless text beneath hand-painted pictures.


A set of windchimes that move though no wind is present. The mellow sounds of their chimes bring back memories that make you ache with anguish and despair.


A scroll that repeats these words endlessly; “Seek out the Gilded Glade and place me upon the pedestal.”


A large painting portraying the wonders of underwater life. The viewer see merfolk, sea elves, and all manner of aquatic creatures going about their lives. The edges of the driftwood frame around the canvas is dripping seawater.


A simple silver fork. Embossed into the handle are the letters “JA.” The tines of the eating implement give off a slight green glow. A crowded inscription on the back of the fork reads: “To King Ragnis, may venom never touch thine lips.”


A small envelope sealed with a wax sigil. If unsealed the letter inside reads: “Meet me at the Red Rose at 7 in the eve. Kill the bearer of this note.”


A tightly rolled cloth that unfurls into a solid black banner, with a faint, hard-to-look-at pattern shimmering in the weave.


A rough-hewn, rust-colored stone filled with half-buried flakes of dark blue crystals forming the semblance of a rose. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the mineral as azurite.


A statuette of a six armed man, holding shields in each hand. With a ring-loop for a head, which is looped onto a necklace.


A large obsidian sphere with jutting shapes carved in and sticking out. Each surface is intricately carved with a complex script composed of squares. It is wrapped several times and held inside a smooth pottery sphere.


A squat metal cylinder of brass that resembles a small compass. When opened, it reveals a dull blue gem.


Neverspill Mug: Any drink poured into this mug can never be spilled accidentally. Someone can be struck upside the head with it, without a single drop escaping.


Unending Chalk: A stick of chalk can be used to draw, but never gets shorter or breaks.


A rolled up canvas painting of a dreary field with dark uninviting woods beyond. The leaves of the trees in the background of the painting seem to sway and there appears to be something moving through the field.


A hilt of what once must have been a magnificent sword but the blade has been removed. When the hilt is picked up, the wielder feels the weight of a whole sword and when the hilt is whipped around, the wielder can hear a blade slicing through the air. But it is just a hilt…


An apple that is the most mouth-watering, beautiful apple you have ever seen…but when you approach within three feet of it you begin to see it rot and spoil right in front of your eyes and even touching it and smelling it confirms that it is indeed rotted. As you back away you see the apple’s rot and decay reverse and it becomes the same beautiful apple you saw seconds earlier.


A set of sky blue robes made from a high quality cotton with the Order of Deacons symbol sewn into the chest.


A set of bagpipes made from a rich mahogany wood, artfully carved and well balanced.


A hooded lantern with an adjustable iris to control the light level. Its adamantine casing is covered in stars and concentric circles, as well as text no one seems able to read.


A set of robes primarily red in colour, with subtle green highlights, as well as silver thread embroidery and grey fur lining around the collar, hood and sleeves. Overall it seems to border a fine line between looks and utility, given that the sleeves feature each a strap allowing them to be rolled up and secured, and several leather belts attached to the inside of the robe fill in the role of pockets or holsters. Under direct sunlight, the robes have a very faint, barely noticeable iridescent sheen to them.


A large obsidian sphere with jutting shapes carved in and sticking out. Each surface is intricately carved with a complex script composed of squares. It is wrapped several times and held inside a smooth pottery sphere.


A long and pale wand engraved with several horizontal slits,


A bleached white jawbone once belonging to a dwarf. It shouts insults in dwarven whenever it is touched by an elf.


A pair of golden earrings, with sapphires set in the center. The sapphires always appear to be as if they are catching light, no matter the light condition, giving them a false, glowing appearance.


A marble statuette of a scowling woman with octopus tentacles for arms emerging from dark ocean waves.


A well-made holy symbol of the minor God of Roll on "Random Godly Domains" that when carried or worn by a bearer who is not a devout follower of that God, fills its owner with a sense of dread


A pair of war drum clubs whose handles are made of a dark brown wood with human skulls bound with leather strips on the ends.


A heavy iron mask, intricately carved patterns and runes.


A white porcelain mask, smooth and beautiful, except for the tears of blood coming from the eye sockets.


A small, palm-sized mass of interlocking carvings. The carvings on closer examination resemble five interlocking crescents. The icon is fashioned from what looks to be ancient bone and knowledgeable PC’s can determine that the object was fashioned from the knuckles of five different dragons.


Coin of Indecision: A gold coin with the word “YES” on one side and the word “NO” on the other. If it is flipped while asking a question, the coin always lands on edge.


A thin chisel wrought in the shape of a stylized finger, with a perpetually flaking lacquer of dark green.


A leather wallet acid etched with the symbol of an alembic, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the alchemists and apothecaries guild. The section containing the member’s physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.


Wand of False Life: An elm wand that if set down on a solid surface, will sprout tiny legs and arms, and move around like a living thing, spontaneously wandering around in a small area and sometimes dancing, particularly if there is music being played. It isn’t actually alive and will not move more than three feet from where it was placed. The arms and legs will fold away if the wand is picked up, but it always seems to have an elongated face as part of the grain of the wood at one end.