D84 Friendly Monsters (d84)

d84 Result


1. You encounter a blue dragon, who believes that humanoids are absolutely adorable, and will try to keep you as a pet.


2. You encounter an intelligent but overenthusiastic slime. It will seek to hug everything it encounters, causing subtle bludgeoning damage.


3. A troupe of female satyrs is visiting a local bar. Married women are already congregating outside with torches and pitchforks.


4. An alignment-inverted Lawful Good Ekolid wanders into a town, casing mass panic.


5. A group of cloud giant scholars decides to take a stroll though a a city and catalogue all the things the littlefolk are doing.


6. An enthusiastic and friendly Troll (one particularly intelligent for his species) who, after years spent living in complete isolation, is now overly friendly with anyone he meets. Always optimistic and always the sort to refer to you as ‘Buddy’ or ‘pal’.


7. A gargoyle dog that follows one of the PCs around/home. It pants and sits and generally acts like a puppy, but just for the one PC. Any time anyone else acknowledges it, it goes inanimate (just becomes a statue). But for that one special PC it will frolic and play.


8. A goblin and kobold alchemist couple who live in a tree house. They try to make hybrids by experimenting on each otherm and make money by selling really experimental potions to travelers and adventurers alike.


9. A pack of gnolls are found bickering about how to split a rotting deer corpse. They'll ask the PCs how they should go about splitting it. They will follow the PCs around for a while if they're given food.


10. A group of friendly ghosts that welcome the party into the haunted house the town refuses to enter and treat them as guests.


11. A mimic that sits out front of a bar like a talking open closed sign that absolutely loves chatting up the patrons. The thing is it refuses to learn the hours of the bar and always thinks its open.


12. A trio of mermaids who keep inviting sailors to tea parties...and when the sailors refuse, hold them at harpoonpoint instead.


13. The entire cast of Undertale.


14. An aspiring xorn chef insists on serving a well-marbled slab.


15. A giant alligator that was raised as a pet, but abandoned in the sewers. It knows simple dog commands and will follow friendly humanoids like a puppy, even out into the city.


16. A cyclops shaman that likes to invite travelers into its cave to tell their fortune. Won't take "Aaahhh, please, no!" for an answer.


17. A froghemoth that used to be revered as the guardian spirit of a nearby spring. Ever since the villagers opened up that new well it's been super lonely, and now it's kidnapping people to sing to it.


18. A scatter-brained Homunculus, who keeps getting split up from its Artificer master in the bustling marketplace crowds.


19. A nimble Quickling, hired as a messenger by a local noble for its swift feet.


20. A mischevious Mimic, who enjoys turning into mundane objects, and jumping out at anyone who gets too close, cackling like a mad thing.


21. An ancient Awakened Tree, who loves to gush about the various types of moss it has collected on its bark over the years.


22. A kind-hearted Yeti, who drags around a make-shift sledge and rescues unlucky travellers who get caught up in snowstorms.


23. A greedy Goblin, who found a large bag of abandoned pastries and after eating them all, now has a toothache.


24. A hellhound raised as a normal dog, it’s super friendly and can’t understand why people keep screaming and running away.


25. A worg raised a guard dog. It’s fairly intelligent, but only respects its master.


26. A displacer beast kitten that has found itself in a town, and now all the locals are terrified to go near it because the parents might be nearby, but the kitten just wants to go and interact with everybody.


27. A sentient iron golem assigned to protect an important but non-magical sword that has long rusted away. The iron golem has limited intelligence, and will attempt to use charades to ask the PCs to repair the sword. If they do, the Iron golem nods thankfully and resumes his age long guard.


28. A powerful lich suffering from severe "burnout" from studying magic all his life. The lich is always happily engaged in a new momentary hobby, like painting, guitar, or gymnastics. It changes every time the characters visit. Unfortunately what the players really need is a high level scroll of a spell that only the lich knows.


29. A lesser devil that talks apocalyptic smack, but it's just a prelude to drinking contests. All he wants to do is get shit faced with someone as tough as he is. If you can drink him out, you can loot his body and he considers it a point of honor that you won his possessions fair and square.


30. A headless skeleton in a fine robe stumbles down a dirt path towards you, clearly searching for something (his missing skull) and will attempt to feel around for anything that vaguely resembles a skull. He attempts to use the first humanoid he walks across as a guide to help find his missing skull.


31. Manny, the friendly manticore. Last of the friendly manticore. Growls and howls, acting like a normal manticore, but actually really really friendly. Loves belly rubs.


32. A griffin kitten who just wants to play and sleep in your lap.


33. A small cluster of guard drakes wander out of an 'abandoned' shop. a person in the town who is by all accounts, a bumbling fool. is consorting with evil dragons to get power, they forgot to close the hatch to the basement they performed the ritual to create the drakes in, and they got out when the fool went to go get the meat he was going to feed them to imprint on them. The drakes grow quickly and are extremely affectionate.


34. A Mindwitness got separated from its illithid colony in a freak teleportation accident. It has been wandering looking for someone, quite literally ANYONE to tell it what to do. It has spent the past month in the wilderness with a pack of wolves. Once it encounters people it will prefer to be around them, but those it acts as a telepathic hub with, will occasionally hear loud psychic laughter as the Mindwitness recalls how Marvin sniffed the tree Bertrand peed on.


35. A sword wraith just really enjoys watching combat and loves weapons. When the party encounters them the wraith will immediately begin talking to the person in the party with the most weapons on them asking about their favorites and following the party along to just watch them fight. The party will often hear the sword wraith providing encouragement as they get into combat, interspersed by actually good combat advice.


36. An intelligent troll who collects odd things and will try to sell them to the party.


37. A goblin who warns the party of an imminent threat (could be an ambush by other goblins or something more to to do with the environment).


38. A lone kobold warrior who rides a dire wolf, badass but friendly, will give the party directions to a nearby dungeon that he thinks they can easily clear out for some quick treasures.


39. A small family of goblins driving a disheveled wagon drawn by a large boar. It turns out they are traveling Merchants but only sell simple things that anyone can find in the wild (and maybe the occasional artifact from a dungeon or ancient temple).


40. A hag that lives alone in a small hut in the woods selling low level enchantments and potions.


41. A demon that was summoned by mistake long ago by an unknown wizard. The demon isn't evil but is stuck in this world for some reason. Mostly keeps to himself but will act as a blacksmith if the party brings him materials to use.


42. An old vampire who runs a night club, password required for admission. He's very chill and will have drinks with the party and tell stories about all the things he's seen in his time as a vampire (could be a useful plant for lore if your party is into it).


43. An awakened Basilisk who's interested in learning about humanoid civilization. He wears a blindfold when he's out and about to not accidentally turn people to stone, but hasn't gotten used to it yet.


44. An orc who's overly enthusiastic about magic, impressed by whatever magic the party does. He's learning it himself and is surprisingly proficient in it despite his low intelligence.


45. A lich who act as a mentor and guide to the party. She attained lichdom years ago to help the world forever and only feeds off the souls of the evil people the party slays.


46. An Abyssal Chicken who was raised by farmers in the prime material plane after it was left behind after a demon invasion. It's as docile as a regular chicken and lays eggs that are very spicy.


47. A doppelganger who recently went through their transformation who can't control their abilities. They have been thrown out by their family and community as a monster. They don't want to deceive anyone or steal their identity, they just want someone to accept them as a person and not an abomination.


48. An imp who will offer a contract to serve as a familiar to one of the players. The terms of the contract state that the imp will assist the pc in any way that it can but when the pc dies, the imp gets to eat the body and gain some of the PC's power. I have this imp in my games and I give him a backstory that explains he has had this contract with many spellcasters. So the imp can very well have different stats than the usual imp stats. Also, because the imp has been a familiar to many spellcasters, he has the ability to cast some spells. The imp may also be proficient with certain tools or skills.


49. A troll who thinks his body is just slightly wrong and takes of bits has them of to regrow and pesters the party for suggestions on how they look. The troll will offer their old limbs as payment for the help.


50. A young ogre who thinks they are a 2 eyed cyclops and begs the party to take them to their “real” family.


51. A goblin who begs the party to hide them because someone is coming after them. Another goblin soon come by are asks about the other explaining that they are playing tag. The goblin asks if the party wants to join.


52. A fire elemental whose summoner disappeared is wandering aimlessly through the forest, delighting in creating new firey friends.


53. You encounter a golden retriever with a magical collar that translates his primitive thoughts to speech. He has lost his old master. "Friend? Food? Afraid." He cautiously loves you and would follow you if you give him any food at all. He can retrieve items for you, but he is too afraid for combat.


54. The party strolls through the forest, then a pack of dire wolf comes rushing past them, they look terrified. They are actually chased by a Dryad with a hat turned backward and holding several nets, she insists that she has "to catch em all" for an unknown reason.


55. A bowl of candy sits unattended in the woods, with a sign reading "Take One". This is a gold dragon's test of the party's heart, and they stand to gain a delicious reward or a stern wrist slapping.


56. A black dragon is very worried that his friends won’t like him for not wanting to hunt and torture. All he wants to do is play with flowers, but is repeatedly saddened when his acid breath kills the flowers. He approaches the party or they come across him as he attempts to come up with a way to both care for his flowers, not torture innocents, and have his fellow black dragons still like him. Think Ferdinand the Bull.


57. A playful owlbear cub approaches the party, happily accepting any pets, treats, and gentle roughhousing they have to offer. Soon enough, though, its mother comes looking for it.


58. A gnome who just wants to follow around and study the sad, short-lived species (like humans). He's very excited by understanding their brief lives and what passes for art amongst them. Everything is fascinating and impressive. High energy, highly enthusiastic, and incredibly condescending. Will love the opinions of any longer lived species like elves or dwarves.


59. A traveling goblin chef and his companion and meat source troll. The goblin is roaming the land learning the cuisine styles of different places and how he can apply that to the troll meat that he acquires from his friend, the troll. The troll will provide some sass especially when asked for meat but is generally happy to oblige because he gets to see places he otherwise wouldn't, experience good food when he's there, and hang out with his best friend, even if his best friend has a tendency to cut chunks off of him and eat them. They will happily insist on making a meal for the players anytime they meet and every visit will lead to a distinctly new dish.


60. Three kobolds who think they've found a dragon egg and want them to escort them on their trip to get it for their tribe. They are exuberant over the possibility of finally getting a real egg. It should become apparent quickly that this isn't the first time they thought they were on the trail of a real dragon egg, but failure has not deterred them in the slightest. They also dont seem to care about what kind of dragon they get an egg from. Your call on what they find when they get there but if they do not find the egg they should still be up beat about it, and tell the players that they'll find them again if they hear about another one.


61. A very curious lizardfolk with a above average intelligence that has snuck in to the city and is now stubbornly trying to gain access to the library, to the absolute horror of the head librarian.


62. A little girl (race doesn't really matter, but lets say drow) that has been trained in the arts of mind control and destruction magic by a mind flayer, but doesn't understand how dangerous her powers are.


63. A gnomish tinkerer has made an experiment that really backfired. Somehow, his invention rips realitytime and space apart, making him a threat for the whole plane, but he loves his creation too much to destroy it. Around it, reality warps and transforms, creating hellish fiends and distorted bodies pile up in the area. The tinkerer doesn't mean to harm anyone, but he will defend his invention with his life (and many whacky science weapons)


64. A mind flayer accidentally seperated from the elder brain, and in disgust destroyed the entire colony. He now lives his life out in service to a kingdom in secret, as the mysterious arch mage in the tower.


65. A friendly rust monster that the town blacksmith keeps around to clean up metal scraps, and "accidentally" draw in customers for repairs.


66. A silver dragon who desperately wants to be friends with the PCs but is too shy to introduce themselves properly.


67. Sphinx who offers unsolicited tips about enigmas. Once someone make the mistake of giving it attention it will follow the person for days or months talking non stop.


68. A Flumph.


69. A mastiff puppy that has been polymorphed into a gorgon in all its terrible glory. It is extremely friendly and just wants to play and nap, but licks don’t turn out well.


70. A Hill Giant who wears armor with a sword and shield (even calls himself a knight of the region). He wants to be hero so bad... but most of the time when he tries to save someone he scares them off.


71. A troll that can be found under a bridge that is suicidal because no one wants to go over his bridge and its his birthday. He even baked himself a cake. If the party crosses the brisge he is super clingy.


72. An ogre that appears to be guarding a bridge. When approached the ogre will insist on giving the party small crafts crudely constructed from forest debris.


73. A halfling master burglar that uses his prowess to sneak into peoples homes and do thier dishes, leaving no other trace of his passing.


74. Urgob Drumbeata. A lone orc kicked out of his tribe for being too scrawny and too nice. He now makes a living as a drummer in a local band.


75. A motherly drow tailor and her pet giant spider. The spider spins silk for the tailor to make into surprisingly high quality clothes.


76. A giant scorpion that misses the weight of her brood on its back, so she 'borrows' people and gives them rides for as long as possible.


77. Blorg - masses of sentient black pudding that seek friendship with all living creatures. Arcane assessment and observation show they show affection through caustic secretions.


78. Luminaries - fae sprites that seek to bless travelers with enchantments as a path to enlightenment. Luminaries wish to grant their gifts at all costs. Requiring touch to cast their boons, luminaries erupt into sickly green flames upon touching metal for several, agonizing minutes.


79. Kappen - amphibian creatures with a strong communal bond. They often try to assist land creatures in how to breathe underwater but have been unable to get very far in any of the the first 12 hour lessons. The kappen have decided that maybe children can hold their breath longer.


80. A troupe of Goblin cooks that are on the prowl for new ingredients and recipes. They'll avoid harming humanoids unless in self defense and will happily trade with the party if given the chance.


81. A group of young Kobold "adventurers" who have vowed to kill the dragon (Very large monitor lizard) that has been menacing (Living in the vicinity of) their home. The have one Dire Weasel that they will ride in shifts.


82. A friendly giant spider that wants to be petted and stroked and have it's belly tickled, and hates that everyone panics and runs away from it.


83. A newly created zombie that for now is still friendly and intelligent, and will remain that way until serious rotting sets in and the zombie's brain decomposes.


84. 3 Friendly giants who need judges for their bodybuilder competition.