Small Town Welcome (d6)

Player characters sometimes find themselves in small villages that don't normally see many travelers. How do they react to the strange visitors?

d6 Result


Hostile — The townsfolk don't like your kind, or they just don't like strangers in general. The authorities may demand that you leave unless you have important business with someone in town who can vouch for you. The townsfolk will usually refuse to share information or do business with you, and you may be hassled or threatened.


Suspicious — The townsfolk are guarded and the authorities keep a close eye on you. You may have to stow your weapons or be restricted from certain parts of the town, but otherwise you won't be bothered as long as you don't cause trouble. (You might be blamed for trouble that you didn't cause.)


Opportunistic — The townsfolk are welcoming, but they want something from you. Most likely, they need you to take care of a problem that's affecting the town. They might offer you something in exchange, or just appeal to your sense of duty/charity/glory. Failing that, they may try to get what they want through trickery or coercion.


Divided — One individual, family, or faction within the town is friendly toward you, while the rest of the town is suspicious or hostile, as above. The friendly townsfolk may help to hide you or defend you from the others.


Indifferent — The townsfolk are too embroiled in their own affairs to take much notice of travelers.


Hospitable — The townsfolk are friendly and eager to hear stories of your adventures or news from afar. At least one family will provide you with food and a place to stay, free of charge.