Star Map Tarot (d100)

d100 Result


The Demon –
Event - Punishment
Outcome - All sins punished
Person - A torturer


The Devil –
Event - Bargains and deals
Outcome - An arrangement twisted against you
Person - A drafter of contracts


The Fey –
Event - Mysteries
Outcome - Inconclusive or strange endings
Person - A mysterious or unknown person


The Crimson King –
Event - Uncovering dangerous secrets
Outcome - Knowledge at great cost
Person - A powerful and dangerous man


The Scarlett Queen –
Event - Dangerous bargains
Outcome - Victory only at great cost
Person - A powerful and dangerous woman


The Cardinal Knight –
Event - Violence or War
Outcome - End reached through bloody conflict
Person - Angry or violent young man


The Azure King –
Event - Time of learning
Outcome - Knowledge will prove invaluable
Person - A sage or scholar


The Cobalt Queen -
Event - Something forgotten will return
Outcome - Forgetting a wrong or slight will cause it to happen again
Person - Someone you never thought you’d see again


The Cyan Knight –
Event - Facing the consequences of ignorance
Outcome - What you don’t know will hurt you
Person - An unexpected enemy


The Viridian King –
Event - Consequences
Outcome - Someone you wronged will have their revenge
Person - Someone with a personal grudge


The Emerald Queen –
Event - Conspiracies
Outcome - A plot against you will play out
Person - A jealous woman


The Jade Knight –
Event - Rivalries
Outcome - If you don’t take them seriously enough, a rival will best you
Person - A rival


The Obsidian King –
Event - A warned event will come to pass
Outcome - Success or failure will depend on how warnings were heeded
Person - A male practitioner of dark magic


The Onyx Queen –
Event - A change of forture
Outcome - A reversal, either good or bad
Person - A woman whose first impression matters


The Black Knight –
Event - A grudge
Outcome - You will make an enduring enemy
Person - A soldier from a defeated army


The Bone King –
Event - News of a death
Outcome - Final endings
Person - A dying man


The Frost Queen –
Event - Loss of someone powerful’s favor
Outcome - Fall from grace
Person - A widow


The Pale Knight –
Event - Return of a trouble thought over
Outcome - Recurring trouble
Person - Someone thought to be dead


The Herald of Sorrows –
Event - Bad news
Outcome - Things will end poorly for someone close
Person - A tragic youth


The King’s Assassin –
Event - A betrayal by someone powerful
Outcome - Make a powerful enemy
Person - A traitor in a position of advantage


The Queen’s Thief –
Event - Underhanded dealings
Outcome - Loss of something valuable
Person - A charming rogue


The Conqueror –
Event - A shift in personal power
Outcome - Dramatic gain or loss of power
Person - An ambitious man


The High Priest –
Event - A test of faith (Religious or otherwise)
Outcome - Success or loss depends on the aid of others
Person - Someone of a devout or religious order


The Witch –
Event - A string of bad luck
Outcome - Something will have to be set right before luck can turn
Person - A female practitioner of dark magic


The Gypsy –
Event - Scams and false flattery
Outcome - Trust the wrong people, and they will take you for a ride
Person - Someone young and charming


The Jester –
Event - Loss or respect or jokes at your expense
Outcome - You will be made a laughingstock
Person - Someone whose reputation has suffered


The Virgin –
Event - Unfamiliar circumstances
Outcome - You will be forced to navigate a challenge unprepared
Person - An innocent


The Concubine –
Event - A financial loss
Outcome - May fall prey to excessive spending
Person - An ambitious woman


The Alchemist –
Event - Physical or Spiritual transition
Outcome - Irreversible personal change
Person - A practitioner of strange sciences


The Physician –
Event - Aid from another
Outcome - Slow healing physical, mental, or spiritual wounds
Person - Someone you already put faith in (Parent, teacher, etc.)


The Occultist –
Event - Painful Knowledge
Outcome - Something wicked comes
Person - Someone who should not be here


The Hunter –
Event - Gains through long pursuit
Outcome - The chase will yield it’s prizes
Person - Someone on a quest or mission


The Bleeding Man –
Event - Pain
Outcome - No matter the outcome, the path will be suffering
Person - A victim or persecution or torture


The Scarred Man –
Event - Changed by suffering
Outcome - Painful events will have lasting ramifications
Person - Someone who carries the physical or mental marks of a great wrong


The Judge –
Event - Decisions
Outcome - Positive outcomes only achieved if choices are made with reason, not passion
Person - Older man in a position of authority


The Jury –
Event - Judgement
Outcome - Outcome determined by others
Person - A group of strangers


The Headsman –
Event - The Rule of Law
Outcome - Law upheld
Person - A lawman


The Traveler –
Event - A journey
Outcome - A change of locations
Person - Someone from far away


The Twins –
Event - A powerful bond
Outcome - Live or die for someone
Person - Someone with a powerful spiritual bond to the drawer or two people bonded to each other (identical twins, soul mates, etc.)


Sacrifice –
Event - A willing loss
Outcome - Results for others worth personal cost
Person - A man willingly suffering


Birth –
Event - Gain that will change everything
Outcome - Someone or something will come into your life that will drastically alter it
Person - A pregnant woman


Death –
Event - Complete transition
Outcome - Irreversible change
Person - Someone in mourning


The Wedding –
Event - Unification and bonds
Outcome - Formation of loves, friendships, or strong alliances
Person - A new and close friend or ally


The Funeral –
Event - An ending or conclusion
Outcome - Bittersweet parting
Person - Someone who has come to you because of a mutual loss


The Tournament –
Event - An exciting challenge
Outcome - A shot at glory
Person - A friendly rival


Feast –
Event - Joy and festicity
Outcome - Impressive but temporary gains
Person - A wealthy and generous man


Famine –
Event - Times of need
Outcome - Crushing but temporary losses
Person - A miser


Reincarnation –
Event - New beginnings
Outcome - The start of a new life
Person - Someone who has undergone a recent transition


The Ravens –
Event - Aftermath of tragedy
Outcome - Profiting from loss
Person - Opportunist or Profiteer


The White Wolf –
Event - Spiritual awakening
Outcome - A personal epiphany
Person - A spiritualist


The Black Dog –
Event - Misfortune
Outcome - No way to get out unscathed
Person - Someone cursed


The Red Stallion –
Event - An adventure
Outcome - A new and exciting experience
Person - A bold adventurer


The Silver Stag –
Event - A chase or pursuit
Outcome - Chance at an elusive prize
Person - An enigmatic stranger


The Bull –
Event - Rapid progress
Outcome - Ends achieved through brute force and determination
Person - A laborer or someone of similar origins


The Goat –
Event - Overcoming obstacles
Outcome - Resilience and tenacity will win the day
Person - Someone from harsh circumstances


The Cat -
Event - You will overhear something
Outcome - Solutions will come through subtlety and discretion
Person - Someone frequently disregarded or underestimated


The Rat -
Event - Subterfuge and underhanded dealings
Outcome - The most clever will win
Person - A spy or thief


The Two-Headed Serpent –
Event - Flattery and false promises
Outcome - Grave consequences if you trust the wrong person
Person - A charming liar


The Spider -
Event - Beware of traps and snares
Outcome - Failure unless you spot all the complications
Person - Someone of few words and complex machinations


The Mermaid -
Event - Seduction and risky affairs
Outcome - Heartbreak and tragic endings
Person - A heartsick woman


The Manticore -
Event - Close alliances and co-conspirators
Outcome - Your misdeeds will bind you to your partners in crime
Person - A gang or party


The Viper - Event - Meddling in places you don't belong
Outcome - There week be a cost for getting involved in matters that are not your place
Person - A dangerous loner


The Leviathan -
Event - A natural or unavoidable disaster
Outcome - Outcome determined by circumstances beyond your control
Person - Someone linked to the Void


The Scorpion -
Event - Someone will try and ruin you
Outcome - You will be struck at at every turn
Person - Someone with a petty grudge


The Wasps -
Event - Mass hysteria and mob rule
Outcome - Outcome will be decided by the crowd
Person - A group or mob


The Bear –
Event - Guarding that which you love
Outcome - Someone or something you care about will rely on you to aid them
Person - Protective older person


The Sword -
Event - Strength
Outcome - Your strength will determine the outcome
Person - A knight or military officer


The Spear -
Event - Protection
Outcome - Your ability to protect someone or something will determine the outcome
Person - A guard or soldier


The Axe -
Event - You will be the agent of justice
Outcome - Your judgement or actions will determine if justice is served 
Person - A vigilante


The Hammer –
Event - Force
Outcome - Outcome will be determined by martial prowess
Person - A ruffian or barbarian


The Knife –
Event - Guile
Outcome - Outcome will be determined by cunning
Person - A courtier or diplomat


The Rose –
Event - Winning fame or favor
Outcome - Your success will earn you reputation and acclaim
Person - A young and beautiful woman


The Broken Tower -
Event - Calamity
Outcome - Failure of Endeavors
Person - Someone who has suffered a recent failure.


The Bridge –
Event - Joining together of two unlikely things
Outcome - Unexpected alliances
Person - A foe turned friend


The Gallows Tree –
Event - Punishment
Outcome - Making amends for your actions or words
Person - A criminal


The Poisoned Cup –
Event - A gift, reward, or treasure will bring misfortune
Outcome - Even an apparent success will reap sorrow
Person - Someone who will try to ply you with false generosity


The Chalice –
Event - Joy and reward
Outcome - Your endeavors will yield success and great gains
Person - Someone famous


The Sea –
Event - Journey over water
Outcome - Cross a great physical distance
Person - A fickle woman


The Lightning Struck Ship –
Event - A difficult journey
Outcome - A life-or-death struggle
Person - A sudden adversary


The Desert –
Event - Loneliness and isolation
Outcome - A struggle that must be faced alone
Person - A wanderer or hermit


The Mountain –
Event - Test of physical or mental endurance
Outcome - Toughness will win the day
Person - An unusually large person


The Forest –
Event - Confounding factors and unclear paths
Outcome - A confusing journey, easy to lose sight of the purpose
Person - A woodsman or ranger


The Path –
Event - Clarity of purpose
Outcome - Intent and purpose will be clear or obnvious
Person - A tracker or guide


The Stairway –
Event - Opportunities
Outcome - Great things if you proceed carefully, a terrible slip and fall if you do not
Person - An architect or builder


The Rising Sun –
Event - New beginnings and limitless potential
Outcome - Your actions in the immediate future will have long-lasting benefits or consequences
Person - A young child


The Sun at Zenith –
Event - Hard work will yield great benefits
Outcome - You will sow and reap in equal measure
Person - Someone respected and established in their trade


The Setting Sun –
Event - Rest and peaceful conclusions
Outcome - The ending of a job or similar
Person - A retired person


The New Moon –
Event - The unknown
Outcome - Unexpected event will change everything
Person - A blind man


The Crescent Moon –
Event - Half-truths and incomplete predictions
Outcome - Unsatisfactory conclusions and unfinished business 
Person - A restless youth


The Full Moon –
Event - True predictions
Outcome - An unfolding of prophecy or fortunes
Person - A seer


Wind –
Event - Constant changes and reversals
Outcome - No results, good or bad, will endure for long
Person - A moody or unstable person


Snow –
Event - Confusion and obfuscation
Outcome - You will remain in ignorance or confusion
Person - A mute


The Star -
Event -  A quest or journey
Outcome - The start of a new mission
Person - A mentor or guide


The Dragon –
Event - A life-changing challenge
Outcome - Death or glory
Person - A powerful adversary


Dreams –
Event - Unlikely adventures or encounters with the uncanny
Outcome - The ending will be a far cry from where you began
Person - Someone fae-touched


Nightmares –
Event - Things long-feared will come to pass
Outcome - Things will appear far worse before they get better
Person - A madman


Time –
Event - Facing the inevitable
Outcome - Change that you are powerless to fight
Person - Someone important from your past


The Treasure Hoard –
Event - The prize at the end of the challenge
Outcome - Great reward after great challenge or suffering
Person - Someone you will have to fight for


DM’s Choice


Something that should not be. Make up a card that isn’t in the deck.