Bleak Europe Random Encounters (d30)

Description (more info)

This random table has been sourced from a link in the comment section of this reddit post. It was shared by /u BernieTheFlumph but the original source is his blog post.

From the reddit comment: "...specifically designed it to have a mixture of interaction-vs-combat entries. It's designed for 17th century Europe, but should be easy enough to adapt to most fantasy settings."

Check for encounters twice per day while travelling across war-torn Central Europe.
An encounter happens on a roll of a 1 on 1d6.

Roll 1d30 to find out what the PCs have discovered.

d30 Result


Pilgrims travelling to an ancient shrine

Roll 6d6 0-level pilgrims.

Resolve: {15%?led by level Roll 1d3 cleric.|}



Roll 2d6 0-level fighters

2nd level fighter leader


Soldiers travelling to join up with their main force.

Roll 1d6*50 0-level fighters lead by 3rd level fighter (captain), plus 1st level fighter per 50 soldiers (sergeants)

Resolve: {German|Swedish|Danish|French}


Roll 2d4 lepers run out of the closest town.

0-levels. Save vs. poison each hour of contact to avoid catching leprosy.


Roll 1d6 peasants (0-level) digging a mass grave

Attracts Roll 1d4+1 ghouls at night.

Ghouls: HD: 2; AC: 14; Rasping tongue +2 (1d6, save vs paralysis or lose Dex equal to damage); Morale: 9


Witch Hunter

Resolve: {catholic|protestant}

Resolve: {Fighter level 1-4|Cleric level 1-4|Specialist level 1-6|0-level}

Accompanied by Roll 2d4 0-level assistants and guards


Ruined Village

Resolve: {75%?Roll 1d3 rag pickers|}

Resolve: {25%?Roll 1d4 ghouls|}


Travelling Merchant with wagon and pack animals

Roll 1d3+1 guards (Fighter 1)

Selling Roll d3 on [1-4: general goods; 5: luxury goods; 6: weapons and armor] for Roll 1d6*100sp in cash.


Travelling performers

Roll 4d4 actors, musicians, and acrobats

Resolve: {20%?of Magic User level 1-4|}


Hungry Wolves!

Roll 2d6 wolves (2 HD; AC: 12; Bite +2 (1d6); Morale 7)


Large tree full of Roll 3d30 corpses hanging from nooses.

Resolve: {25%?chance of attracting Roll 3d6 ghouls at night|}

Resolve: {20%?chance of being haunted by marco-spectre|}

Macro-Spectre: HD: number of bodies/3, HP: number of bodies; AC: 12; Ectoplasmic torrent +HD to hit (1d12 damage, save or lose 1 from all attributes); Only hurt by magic, silver, or cold iron; Morale: 12



Roll 2d6 pre-adolescent children. Lost, frightened, and hungry.


Roll 3d6 prisoners of war, crucified along the road. Very much dead.


Battlefield littered with the recently dead.

Roll 1d6 rag pickers

Resolve: {15%?chance of attracting 2d6 ghouls|}

Resolve: {1?chance each turn of finding something interesting among the dead soldiers|2-8?}


Roll 1d6*10 refugees. 0-level

Cold, hungry, and desperate.


Ancient cemetery

Resolve: {25%?chance of containing passage to Ghoul Market|}

Resolve: {20%?chance of buried valuable grave goods (Roll 2d6*50sp value)|}


Magic User (level Roll 1d6), travelling to visit an associate.

Accompanied by bonded and disguised demon with HD equal to MU’s level.


Dead horse lies bloated in the middle of the road.

Stomach will erupt with Roll 2d6 deadly snakes (1 HD; AC 12; Bite +1 (1 damage, save or loose 3d6 CON); Morale 7).


Dead man hangs from a tree. His crime is branded onto his chest: Resolve: {Rape|Murder|Horse theft|Desertion|Heresy|Witchcraft}


Farm with Roll 1d6+1 family members (0 levels)

Disposition is Resolve: {Friendly but boastful|Suspicious and surly|Fearful and violent|Superstitious but generous|Pious but mournful|Cannibals}.


Band of Roll 1d4+2 deserters. (1st level fighters, morale 5)

Swords and pole arms, guns but no ammo. Frightened, but not looking for a fight.


Bear, maddened by sickness

HD 5; AC 14; Claw/claw/bite +5 (1d4/1d4/1d6); save vs poison or contract rabies; Morale 10


3 plague doctors (2nd level specialists) travelling to infested village.

Carry Roll 3d4 bottles of medicine. (15% chance of actually being functional healing potions, 2d4 hp)


Man (0-level) pulling a wagonload of corpses

What’s he up to? Resolve: {1-4?Taking the corpses to a nearby mass grave|5-6?Taking corpses to sell to a necromancer he knows (level Roll 1d6+3 Magic User)}


Traveling noble, off to visit a relation in a nearby city

Level 0 noble, guarded by Roll 1d6+2 2nd level fighters.

Roll 2d6*100sp in cash, gifts, and jewelry.


Hermit, washing his clothes in a nearby stream.

Level Roll d4 cleric. Hair shirt, staff, pet goat, hallucinogenic mushrooms.


Eloping Couple

Young 0-level minor nobles from rival families.

Horse, Roll 2d6*20sp in cash and jewelry. Bad instincts and no survival skills.

Perused by bounty hunter (level 5 specialist, 2-6 chance each night of catching up to them).

Families have each issued a 500sp bounty for their child’s safe return.


Old, abandoned windmill

Decent shelter.

Resolve: {20%?used by Roll 1d4 witches (level Roll 1d4 magic users) to grind children’s bones into meal.|}


Vampire, traveling to new lair.

Roll 1d6 0-level minions. Horses and wagon with coffin full of grave dirt. Deed to ancient building.

Vampire: HD: 8; AC: 16; Claw/Claw +8 (1d6, if both claws hit the vampire bites and drains blood for 1d4 CON per round); Only hurt by magic, silver, or fire; Charm Person at will; Vampire powers; Morale: 10


Apocalypse Angel, visible a mile away, harvesting souls from Resolve: {Plague-ridden village|Famine-ruined farms|Bloody battlefield|Mass-suicide}

Apocalypse Angel: HD: 12; AC: 18; Sword of Ruination +12 (4d6, 2 attacks per round); Ashen Gaze (save or disintegrate); Morale 12