City Hazards (d12)

d12 Result


An unexpected bang startles a skittish Resolve: {horse|cow|mule} which breaks free of its restraints and charges through the crowded street


The cobbles here have been replaced with wood blocks to mute noise for the residences. Rain has slicked the wood, making footing uncertain at best. Making running and quick movements, without cleats, like treading on black ice.


This street is undermaintained. Cobbles are missing in large swathes of slick mud. Smaller holes and jutting stones could catch, and break, an ankle, or trip an unwary passer.


Crowds squeeze together around a large area blocked off by wooden beams. People shoving and cussing as animals, and wagons, squeeze through passersby. Pickpockets would rejoice... if their arms could move.


Construction in poor sections is often un-inspected. No barriers prevent people walking beneath the heavy Resolve: {stone|bricks|wood} dangling from above your head.


Traffic has stopped, people blocking the view, as huge, heavy, piece of precious Resolve: {glass, stone, marble, art} is being carted across to a municipal building in the sweaty hands of workers.


Garbage blocks the way in this side street. Piled high and attended by packs of Resolve: {wild dogs|feral cats|giant rates} and swarms of smaller vermin.


Fire has been set to a pile of refuse! People shriek and holler as the fetid stench of burning offal wafts in dark clouds. Vision is obscured and flames threaten to lick at nearby buildings...


A Resolve: {horse|mule|ox|cow|owlbear}-drawn cart whips out into the road unexpectedly. Anyone caught in the way could be crushed by the whipping vehicle! People in front of the charging gang are similarly in danger of being run over!


Gangs of hungry looking miscreants eye everyone walking through this neighborhood. Sizing up potential for trouble. Those who are deemed "worthy" better watch their purses... and their necks.


Well-dressed men rove the barely maintained streets of a working neighborhood. Cruel laughs barking from their lips as they chase a screeching woman.


A man hollers out for help from a thin, dead-end, alley where he's being assaulted by a band of richly dressed miscreants. No-good, bored, nobility looking for a thrill...