Special Shield (d7)

Yu Yu Hakusho RPG: Remaining Memories

Returns a randomly chosen special shield type belonging to the Yu Yu Hakusho RPG: Remaining Memories line.

d7 Result


0.25 Cap
No Evasion Penalty


0.75 Cap
Deals 1d12 damage against unarmed attacks upon a successful Guard.


Aerodynamic (Resolve: {Slashing|Piercing|Bludgeoning})
0.75 Cap
Can be used as a Throwing Weapon without requiring the Shield Toss Feat.

Shield Toss:
Your proficiency with shields allows you to use them as a disc-like throwing weapon efficiently, their weapon damage type depending on its design. A character with this feat is allowed to use a Full Round Action to perform a toss that bounces their shield among several targets a number of times equal to their Full Attack. Additionally, a character with this feat also guarantees their toss results in their shield returning to them unless Deflected or prevented by other miscellaneous means.


0.75 Cap
Reflects energy-based projectiles with a successful Guard at no energy cost.
This reflection is treated as a ranged attack, prompting a ranged attack roll from the defendant, who is able to aim it at anyone within range.


1 Cap
User suffers from a -5 to Evasion & relevant movement-based actions (Swim, etc.)
User suffers from a -40ft. Movement Penalty
User's Full Attack is limited to 1 while wielding it.
Allowed to 'take a 10' when Guarding (a "10" result from the d20 without rolling).
Cannot benefit from the Shield Toss feat.


Pavise Shield
1 Cap
While carried: -5 to Evasion & relevant movement-based actions (Swim, etc.)
While carried: -40ft. Movement Penalty
User's Full Attack is limited to 1 while wielding it.
Can be deployed on the ground with a Full Round Action.
Deployed:  Those behind it benefit from the standard shield bonus granted to Guard, plus a bonus 1d6 to the Guard roll itself.
Cannot benefit from the Shield Toss feat.


Sheath Shield
0.75 Cap
+0.5 carrying capacity worth of weapons specifically.
Cannot benefit from the Shield Toss feat.