Motivation (d10)

d10 Result


Motivation: Money. Money is a strong motivator both to the poor and the wealthy. But for very different reasons.


Motivation: Status (in any Circle). These individuals want to impress their friends, colleagues, neighbours or any other Circles they deem important.


Motivation: Logic & Orderliness. These persons base their lives on rational thought, suppressing emotions in the long run.


Motivation: Have Fun. Drinking beer, going to the theatre, playing games, gossiping - nothing is more important to joy seekers.


Motivation: Do nothing. Rest and relaxation is seen as the basis for a good life. Anything interfering with that must go. From the outside, it might look like laziness.


Motivation: Altruism. Even the tiniest creature deserves kindness. A person with this motivation strongly believe we should all help each other.


Motivation: Faith (any religion). Investing their time and soul in a deity and/or congregation. Either compassion or intolerance follows.


Motivation: Circle (any). Spending their time and energy on family, neighbours, colleagues, the local pub, book reading club - or any other Circle in their life.


Motivation: Expertise (any area). A drive to be the best - or at least keep improving - in any skill.


Motivation: Health. Their goal is to stay healthy - or keep an illness from getting worse.