DoBS - Hunting and Foraging Mishaps (d10)


Disciples of Bone and Shadow - Conquered Sun Edition

d10 Result


You wander off into the wrong area, running into potential trouble. Roll on the appropriate encounters table.


Distracted, you fall and twist your ankle. Receive Roll 1d4 damage.


You've lost a piece of gear, no matter how hard you look for it. Determine which one randomly.


The food you manage to get is poisoned in some way. -1 CON for the next Roll 1d4 days.


You've wandered off too far from camp and cannot find the way back. Make an Orientation Skill test to find it again or you'll have to set a new camp.


You step on an old, abandoned trap. Receive Roll 1d10 damage.


Due to your carelessness, you manage to break one of your boots. Perform a Crafting skill test in order to fix them or you'll be missing a boot until you can replace it.


You're caught in a thick, sudden fog. Afraid of getting lost, you wait it out but are too tired to try and continue searching for food.


As you walk about trying to find some food, the ground below your feet collapses and you fall into a small hole. It's not difficult to climb out of it, but you've hurt yourself. Receive Roll 1d10 damage.


You find a beehive but before you can even think of harvesting some honey they attack you, stinging your face and hands. Receive Roll 1d4 damage.