d100 Human Quirks (d100)

Source is SubReddit "d100"

Description (more info)

"The "quirks" should be something about the distinctly Human condition, that makes an NPC odd or unique in some endearing or interesting way.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/d100/comments/shgd31/letsbuildd100humanquirks/

d100 Result


He has rosacea, and his face around his eyes and nose is always scaly and red


His dyscalculia makes it impossible for him to remember any number for more than a split second. He can't remember how old he is, or even the year he was born as a result.


He has a CRIPPLING PHOBIA of tests. Formal tests of any kind. If faced with a written test or a cliff, he'll take the leap.


Stagefright shakes him to the bone if ever he is asked to speak in front of a group of more than 5 people. He stutters, talks nonsense, turns red, and eventually freezes like a stone.


He's missing his right ear. Oddly enough, his "earbones" still work pretty well on that side, and it's the only side he can hear from, as the left ear is completely deaf.


Human ambition writhes through his soul. He's impatient and gets things done in a timely fashion.


Human ambition taints his soul. He will scheme and plan in order to increase his power in a timely manner.


He is a daredevil. He takes risks that few dwarves or elves would dare in a century.


He is highly invested in human nobility. Regardless of their ACTUAL nobility.


He is cosmopolitan. He's seen every type of sentient creature.


He's obsessed with figuring out how others think about things.


He is strictly gluten-free


He's allergic to most foods (requires carrying a 400 GP potion)


He frequently references scholars and philosophers of the distant past, but always has a unique (and usually incorrect) interpretation


He avoids leadership at all costs


He avoids people at whenever able, and just likes to be left alone


He enjoys sewing, but isn’t very good at more than basic work


He is terrified of fire or anything that might possibly explode - including balloons


He can’t stomach the tension of traps and will deliberately set them off if his anxiety starts getting the better of him (allows at least 1d4 + 1 attempts first)


He misinterprets directions and explanations, but is unaware he does so (disadvantage to understand verbal directions)


He dreams vividly of events that are in the future. Sometimes that future comes to pass.


He has pretty bat tinnitus from the time a fireball exploded RIGHT next to him- He gets -2 on checks involving hearing (stacking on any other penalty)


He plans to succumb to a zombie apocalypse, should one happen


He sleeps with a stuffed animal, and though he'd rather nobody ever find out about this, he'd let the secret be known if it meant saving "buefort" from harm


He can't control the volume of his voice, it's always loud. He simply can't figure out how to whisper, either.


He claims to be native of their homeland despite his people being originally immigrants to the land that they now claim. Questioning or stating history as it was without the proper propaganda will infuriate him.


He is deceivingly bland in an attempt to leave their previous life. He acts as if he never lived before he met the party. It may have been that one last job that went wrong or that family that got killed by mistake or a myriad of other misfortunes, but, he will not turn back to face that reality. He will carry a decoy weapon he is not proficient in for the world to see and use a weapon they are proficient in he hides.


He was a cultist that was part of a death cult. As he missed the summoning of the cult's 'god' and watched his brothers and sisters die while they were unable to do anything to bring an eldritch infant into this plane just to see the infant 'god' die and putrefy in minutes without a sacrifice, he is now anti-cult and will try to bring any cultists he can to the side of rational thought and bring them back from the brink.


He knows common and every curse word in almost every language. This comes from being a kid who lived in a town where mercenaries frequently passed through and rested. The mercenaries liked him, and as a kid he learned mostly just cuss words and terrible phrases. He is a polyglot for profanity.


He had a little brother he took care of when they lived as orphans in the streets. A rich noble adopted his little brother and left him in the streets alone. These events, while bitter, brought him happiness in knowing his brother was safe and taken care of. Later on after the noble's death, word came out that the noble had been torturing and killing. He did the mental math to know that his little brother was probably unlucky and most likely dead or worse. He will not trust any noble or rich person anymore, until he truly knows the person.


He has a weird Dwarf fetish


He detests velvet. Bringing himself to touch it requires almost superhuman effort. Even the sound of someone running their fingers over it is enough to make his jaw clench.


He stubbornly refuses to admit he is not ambidextrous. No matter how poorly he does with his non-dominant hand.


Ho is unapologetically honest, but not cruel.


He is extremely extroverted and gregarious- he always strikes up a conversation with strangers.


He is fascinated with gems and jewelry- he wears too much and will overspend to purchase an item that catches his eye.


He always fidgets, especially by turning a ring.


He Chews on his hair and fingernails when they are nervous.


He abhors silence- he will talk needlessly or hum or sing to staunch the tormenting absence of sound.


He loves to sing and dance, but has no rhythm and cannot carry a tune.


He is a gourmand who especially favors dishes not of his culture or spicy dishes or rustic dishes, etc.


He has an extreme sweet tooth; he always has a sweet treat or three on his person.


He is dedicated to perfecting his hobby and tries to make time each day to practice it- painting, pottery, embroidery, weaving, poetry writing, carving wooden figurines, baking, brewing, gardening, etc.


He collects something: dolls, marionettes, stones, handkerchiefs, cravats, animal figurines, glass baubles, bard autographs, etc.


He never sits with his back to a door, always notes escape routes, and frequently stops doing what he is doing to quickly scan for threats.


He is extremely Superstitious- tosses salt, wards against the evil eye, avoids ladders and black cats, etc.


He is absolutely certain there's no such thing as magic, despite evidence to the contrary. Anyone who performs magic is just using parlor tricks


He constantly takes notes


He has a fascination with maps, but is very bad at using them


This rough and tumble mercenary secretly loves unicorns and wants nothing more than to see a real one


He is unwavering in his faith and is devoted to his diety


He was adopted by a kind half-orc couple who gave up fighting after finding the baby version of him in a destroyed caravan. Despite both of his fathers being green skins and male and never seeing a woman who looks like him, he does not think he is adopted and never put the pieces together due to not having to think about it.


He comes from a long line of potato farmers. Potato is part of his way of life. He knows how to cook a potato in many ways, how to plant a potato properly with proper soil care, how make poison out of potato, how to use the potato to make spirits, trivia about special types of potato, etc. etc. etc. of potato. He dreams of potato.


He was a cobbler and now is also a tinker, a tailor, a soldier and a spy, but, mostly a cobbler. He acts as a simple merchant and tries to peddle boots to soldiers, merchants, travelers, and adventurers. With his well-heeled cart of tools, materials, and foot models, he gathers information from the idle chat of the buyers while they make their wares and notes disguised as measurements and models.


He comes from a long line of moonshiners that live away from civilization and loudly exist in the forested mountains where they make their brew and avoid paying taxes to any group that isn't worth a damn. He aims to make a fortune then head back home where he will settle back down. In the meanwhile, he will commit tax fraud when he can. It is not about money but the principles of the resistance to establishments that don't care about those they tax.


Due to some 'assets not being big enough' and him being aware of this, he will attempt to find a way to enlarge 'their asset'. He will do anything to get a 'more sizable member'. Money and magic are what he thinks will help him 'become bigger with more vigor'.


He collects empty bottles. Ever since he was a kid, he collected bottles. He will adorn his room with bottles and will make traps and weapons out of bottles. He will make baubles out of bottles. He dreams of becoming a bottle maker and inventing new bottles.


Has twenty gold coins glued together in a cylinder shape just in case he needs to "teach someone their manners".


He is terrified of anything that looks like it might be a full moon because they incorrectly believe themselves to be a lycanthrope.


He eats only food of a particular color.


He has assigned a color and mood to each day of the week and only wears that color and has that mood on those days. He may also randomly change the order.


He refuses to use a certain letter of the alphabet.


He will not speak to someone who doesn't use their entire name when speaking a sentence.


He keeps his eyes completely level, refusing to look up or down so everyone must use stools/ladders or squat/sit in order to speak to him.


He collects ear wax and believes everyone is trying to steal their hoard. They will accept ear wax as gifts.


He likes to spit-in-hand and shake for every deal as a sign of friendship and as a mark of respect. He also pays generously for contracts.


He firmly believes “he can jump that far” for any distance of jump.


He has difficulty remembering names outside of languages he knows.


He loves non-human food, no matter how spicy/truly bad for his body it is.


He barely cares about his own ambitions, because he is "just one of many". Will do pretty much anything for the greater good, even sacrifice his life if necessary.


He loves hugs.


He walks around whenever he can, even in circles. He hates sitting or standing in one spot for too long.


He is willing to put himself in harm's way, because "pain is temporary, the body does not remember it". He also has a very low tolerance for pain.


He forgives people very easily, sometimes even after they were trying to murder him.


He likes to operate doors with his feet. Despite what many of his friends might say, He does NOT kick doors, and your doors are perfectly safe.


Vaulting over obstacles is probably his favorite thing to do.


He often forgets certain words mid-sentence, but his, uhh, vola- err, volcabru... lexicon is usually large enough to fill in the blanks.


He collects teeth. He has a tooth bag and tries to collect a tooth from every race and monster that has teeth. He obviously takes care of his teeth and flosses. He could probably tell you the race, age, and diet of an entity by just looking at a lost tooth.


He is in love with a tiefling sorceress that traveled through his village and chatted with him over a bottle of wine and a few sandwiches before a mob chased the sorceress' party away. They hid and he helped her avoid detection before drawing the mob the other direction and facilitating their escape. He secretly wishes to meet her again without traveling but, an adventurer rarely returns to a town that chased them out with pitchforks and torches. Now he travels in search of her without knowing her name or where she was going next.


He worships and fantasizes about a fairytale character called Schreck, an amicable green-skinned ogre who has a fencing cat, Shoes, and a talking mule, Lonkey, who goes on adventures. He is not too smart and has strong faith that he will meet Schreck and will truly know love and life after the encounter or (as he hopes), encounters.


He is allergic to any animal fur. It starts with itchy eyes, then on to a red rash across his face, and finally sneezing fits.


He prefers to alter all his clothing himself to be much more revealing of his bare skin than they rightly should be.


One of his eyes is milky white in color, and a thin scar runs across the skin above and below it. He is sensitive about it if anyone brings it up.


He is incapable of multitasking. If he's drinking an ale, he can't even listen to a conversation at the same time.


He's got no sense of humor whatsoever, and a really dry personality. He's the exact person you would not want to invite to a party.


He seems to have shaved off his eyebrows and then painted or drew them back on.


He wears makeup. WAY too much makeup.


He has this habit of always touching the person he is talking to. It's... a lot of touching.


When he talks he constantly uses his hands to make gestures and movements to correspond to what he's saying.


He is VERY suspicious of folks speaking in languages he doesn't know. He always thinks they are talking about him negatively, or keeping nasty secrets.


He picks his nose using his thumb whenever he thinks nobody can see him. He rolls them up into little sticky balls and drops them all over the place.


He refuses to ride an animal for any reason. He will ride in a cart pulled by a horse, but never on a horse directly.


He is a complete sociopath. He can fake emotions to blend in with society, but feels none that are real. He keeps friends as long as he thinks they can help him in some way, and he has no qualms in hurting them if that also serves to his gain.


He has daddy issues.


He has an oral fixation- there is always something in his mouth like a blade of grass, a candy, or even a small stone to suck on. This affects his speech and you can HEAR that there's something in there even if you can't see it.


He has been trying to lose weight for a long time, and is very sensitive to comments about weight, food, or diet.


There is a new exercise routine called X-Fit, and he can't resist telling everyone that he is into it and how great it is and all the details about why it's so great and that you should totally do it too!


His bones ache when bad weather is on the way.


He is very, VERY sarcastic and sassy. Almost everything he says is tinged with sarcasm.


He has a severe phobia of [Pest].