Star Wars: Habitation Type (d20)

d20 Result


Native Villages and Cities: The native inhabitants, with technology primitive enough to deny them the ability to travel though space, have forged a society of villages and cities that dot the landscape


Fringer Haven: Smugglers, crime lords, or other fringe elements established a haven here to hide from authorities, resupply, and pursue their own illicit activities.


Military Outpost: The dominant military authority of the region maintains a base here for its own strategic purposes


Colony Settlement: A small colony here hopes to harness the planet's natural resources.


Development: Cities, industries and starports cluster in isolated regions where terrain and resources prove ideal for development.


Balanced Development: Inhabitants planned some degree of orderly yet efficient development in harmony with the planets natural resouces.


Sprawl: Cities, Industries, and starports have overun the natural terrain to a greater extent.


Sprawl: Cities, Industries, and starports have overun the natural terrain to a greater extent.