Ambushers Encounters (OotA Subtable) (d20)


Out of the Abyss Chapter 2: Into Darkness

d20 result #1


1 chuul lurking in a pool of water. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 1d6 giant spider(s) clinging to the walls or ceiling. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


1 grell floating near the high ceiling. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 1d4 grick(s) hiding in a crevice or fissure. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 1d4 orog(s) perching on ledges. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 1d6 piercer(s) masquerading as stalactites. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"


1 umber hulk bursting out of nearby wall. If it's in its lair then it has the following treasure: Roll on "Ambusher treasure (OotA Subtable)"