Durthok's Crafting Complications (d12)

d12 Complication


You accidentally mix two metals that cause the item to have unintended and dangerous effects.


You fail to properly temper the metal during the crafting process, causing the item to have unpredictable effects.


You realize too late that a crucial material is missing or flawed, requiring a dangerous journey to acquire a replacement.


Your blacksmithing/magical crafting attracts the attention of dangerous creatures or entities, putting you and your allies in danger.


You must gather rare and expensive materials from dangerous locations, requiring you to hire guards or adventurers for protection.


You accidentally imbue the item with a curse or other negative effects that hinder or endanger its wielder.


The crafting process takes much longer than anticipated, requiring you to delay other important tasks or missions.


The item requires a rare or expensive material that is difficult for you to obtain, requiring you to pay a steep price or make a dangerous trade.


The crafting process requires a large amount of physical or mental energy, potentially causing harm to you or others in the area.


The item becomes stolen or lost, requiring you to track it down or pay a ransom to retrieve it.


You accidentally draw the attention of a rival blacksmith/magical crafter, leading to a competition or sabotage.


The magical crafting process creates a dangerous explosion or fire that threatens to harm you and your allies, as well as damage your workshop or shop.