5PH Salvage Hostiles (d100)

d100 Result


Free for all!

Looters, renegades, or other suspicious characters are roaming around. Determine a random opponent type from the Criminal Elements table (core rules, p.94). Enemies within one move of a Salvage marker must move into contact with it; then remove both the marker and the enemy figure from the battlefield.



Someone hired a bunch of goons to make sure nobody snoops around. Determine a random opponent type from the Hired Muscle table (core rules, p.96). Any foe with Defensive or Cautious AI is changed to Tactical.


Rival team

Another team has taken an interest in your site. Determine a random opponent type from the Interested Parties table (core rules, p.99). The enemies will fight normally, but reduce their Panic range by 1 (1-3 becomes 1-2, 1-2 becomes 1, 1 becomes Fearless).



This is the worst type of job. Determine a random opponent type from the Roving Threats table (core rules, p.101). Modify Tension by +6