Personality Tarot (d156)

d156 Result Meaning Keyword 1 Keyword 2 Mystic Mirror


1 of Sword

Raw power, victory, breakthroughs, mental clarity

MENTAL STRENGTH : thinking clearly, honesty, justice breakthroughs

New ideas or job, new conflict, surgery, mental clarity

The sword of truth. A seedling of realization, idea, or breakthrough. Awareness of patterns in thought leads you to new intellect. This is an opportunity for mental focus and clarity.


2 of Sword

Indecision, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions

STALEMATE : indecision, blocking emotions, avoiding truth

Balancing two forces, time to compromise, make a decision

You are at a decision-making crossroads but are being passive; denying yourself of the clear choice. Take an objective view toward solving your problem.


3 of Sword

Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief, rejection

GRIEF : arguments, heartache, sorrow, conflict, feeling betrayal

Heartbreak, divorce, loss, depression, surgery

Betrayal, heartbreak, and disappointment is among you. Allow yourself to feel the pain in order to overcome. Can be a third party-related issue.


4 of Sword

Contemplation, passivity, recuperation, relaxation, rest

RECUPERATION : recovery, retreat, de-stress, solitude, time out

Retreat, rest, renewal, solitude, recovery

A time for stillness. A time for replenishing your mental strength. Access inner solitude in order to return to your cause with a honed mind.


5 of Sword

Conflict, tension, loss, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal

HOLLOW VICTORY: sacrificing integrity, power hungry, conflict

Bullies, theft, violence, abusive relationships

You are holding guard with an ideal that may cause rejection from others. Focus on what thoughts you are holding on to in a time when others have given up on the fight.


6 of Sword

Regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage

PASSAGE : moving forward beyond current pain, necessary transition

A necessary transition, relocating, moving, travel

You have come through much, but you are now moving towards still waters. You have a choice on whether to be strong and to transition, or to hold back in a depressed state.


7 of Sword

Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, stealth

STEALTH : theft, loss, sneaking away, underhand, cunning, taking

Theft, betrayal, dishonesty, running away, divorce, an affair

Manipulative energies. Theft. Hidden truths. To achieve what you want, deception can become an easy route to take. Avoiding controversy leads to a greater downfall down the line.


8 of Sword

Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment

RESTRICTION : lacking direction, powerless, trapped, limiting beliefs

Self-imposed restrictions, isolation, imprisonment

Feeling stuck or trapped within a situation. Your power is being blocked. There is a sense of stagnation or self-imposed entrapment.


9 of Sword

Depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair

NIGHTMARES : grief, despair, distress, desolation, illness, brooding

Nightmares, anxiety, grief, hospital/rehab stays, depression

Can signify nightmares at night. By day, this can be stress or depression. This indicates a repetitive cycle of worry.


10 of Sword

Back-stabbed, defeat, crisis, betrayal, endings, loss

BETRAYAL : self-sacrificing, feeling victimized, let down, stabbed in the back

Complete and painful ending, rock bottom, back problems or pain

Defeat. Persecution. Martyrdom. You may feel like multiple sources defy you all at once. This is a rock bottom-state after countless failed attempts. Recognize an ending.


Page of Sword

Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic

REVITALIZATION : learning, embrace new challenges, honesty, integrity

A curious kid, gossip, spies, prying eyes, telling the truth

An apt and idealistic individual, constantly discerning his surroundings. Can have plenty of knowledge with a lack of wisdom. This is a restless seeker for the truth.


Knight of Sword

Opinionated, hasty, action-oriented, communicative

INCISIVENESS : intelligence, knowledge, acting with certainty

A fast-thinking person, a soldier, a change in lifestyle, travel

This is the fastest moving knight. He represents a quickly moving energetic shift that reveals the truth. As a person, he is courageous and valiant. He comes in with good intentions, but often is impatient. This an energy that enforces a headstrong strategy with a confident demeanor.


Queen of Sword

Quick thinker, organized, perceptive, independent

PERCEPTIVE : clever, realistic expectation, straight-talking

A self-sufficient person, logic, total honesty, self-rule

This is a concise energy that knows what it wants. This is an independent, logically adept person. This can be a woman who puts aside emotion to speak her truth regardless of what stands against her. She or he can be an idealist who is a strong defender, bringing order without the need to apologize. They are often directly involved in the battlefront.


King of Sword

Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth

ETHICAL LEADER : diplomacy, intellect, remaining objective, unbiased, analytical

An intentional and powerful leader, quick-action, strategic thought

A guarded, virtuous individual who has acquired a complex and deeply intellectual psyche that is built on his own proven method of order and ruling. This is not about gut feelings or emotional deliberation. Don’t take this as negativity, though. This is a time of generous and contemplative insight, often setting ‘law’ behind the scenes.


1 of Wand

Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential

CREATIVE STRENGTH : beginnings, inspiration, potential, courage, enthusiasm

New romance or job, new project, inspiration, the urge to create

This is a creative spark of passion, act on your inspiration. Move forward with confidence and enthusiasm. Your dreams can come true.


2 of Wand

Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery

PLANNING : personal power, strength, success, support, originality

Waiting for results, make a choice, travel planning

With so much passion at hand, different goals are at bay. Though the world is in your hands, you still create a crossroads. Do not deny what comes from the heart.


3 of Wand

Preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion

ENTREPRENEUR : pursuing the unknown, leadership, visionary

Teamwork, commerce, expansion, travel

The world recognizes your clear intent and positivity and is providing you an opportunity.


4 of Wand

Celebration, harmony, marriage, home, community

HARMONY: celebration, excitement, stable home, partnership

Homecoming, celebrations, family, friends, wedding

Cherish this time for celebration. You are surrounded with loved ones who make you feel happy. May represent a stable home life, reunion, wedding, or intimacy.


5 of Wand

Disagreement, competition, strife, tension, conflict

CONFLICT : battles, bickering, pettiness, discord, squabbles

Rivalry, challenges, obstacles, sport and play

Petty conflict creating tension and drama. Consider whether your disputes are worth your effort. Can represent a competition or being in the rat race.


6 of Wand

Public recognition, victory, progress, self-confidence

VICTORY : success within reach, personal triumph, praise, recognition

Victory, award, recognition, good news, being the boss

Achievement. Such victory marks the successful accomplishment that one looks back upon. Do not doubt your potential.


7 of Wand

Challenge, competition, perseverance

DEFIANCE : taking a stand, battling, in control, taking the offensive

Self-defense, protect against competition, solo projects

Know if this ‘failure’ is merely in the eyes of others. You have built boundaries. You could be standing your ground or are feeling defensive. You are preparing for challenges and are determined.


8 of Wand

Speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change

ACCELERATION : travel, overseas, movement towards fruition, action

Speed, action, quick changes, news arrives, air travel

Represents hasty action, effort, or travel. Also represents a swiftly incoming message. Quick turn of events may be coming.


9 of Wand

Courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience

DETERMINATION : stamina, courage, persisting despite setbacks

Keeping & maintaining boundaries, a test of courage and persistence

Through your effort you stand to protect what is yours. After your long journey, your battles have brought you to be capable of standing against any opposition. You may be facing a slight set back.


10 of Wand

Burden, responsibility, hard work, stress, achievement

RESPONSIBILITY : overwhelm, overwork, burdens, challenge

Stress, exhaustion, too many responsibilities, ask for help

You have achieved your goal but are now taking on so much that it becomes burdensome. You may be taking on responsibilities that aren’t yours. This is a completion of a cycle.


Page of Wand

Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit

ENTHUSIASM : opportunity, high energy, passion, creativity

An active kid, a new career or idea, student, a new project

This represents a confident, youthful individual who has a creative knack for inspiring others. This person’s unharnessed actions and passion can depict an old soul. He can have astute understanding of his position.


Knight of Wand

Energy, passion, lust, action, adventure, impulsiveness

CONFIDENCE : charming, courage, passion, lust, adventure

A lusty & free-spirited person, passion, creativity, travel

This is a time for an upbeat and assertive pursuit of an idea. This person is captivated with the quest of his goal or vision. Action comes before consideration. They move with confidence and ambition, often drawing inaccurate conclusions about their own authority.


Queen of Wand

Exuberance, warmth, vibrancy, determination

WHOLEHEARTED : vibrancy, charm, dedication, enthusiasm, self confidence

A feisty person, confidence, mastery, self-assurance

This embodies an abundantly energetic and optimistic woman who is often known as being attractive, fun, capable, and creative. She is established and dominant in her power, taming the unkempt flame of others. She can be vibrantly inspiring, but often secretive.


King of Wand

Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honor

LEADERSHIP : innovation, business, action, risk taker, charismatic, results

A bold leader, the "top dog", power, courage, charm

A creative and inspiring person of high spirits and energy. He seeks to inspire success and creates an empire built on connections and good values. Energetically, this is a time of accomplishment that is well-planned, steadily orchestrated, and thrilling. Do not be too impulsive, and rely on your experiential wisdom in hard times.


1 of Cup

Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion

EMOTIONAL STRENGTH : new relationship, friendship, or romance, creativity

New baby, or relationship, proposal, marriage, birth

Spark of emotion, offer of new or renewed love. This love can be internal or external. This combines with emotion to bring you to a new beginning.


2 of Cup

unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships

PARTNERSHIP : respect, happiness, connection, trust, attraction

Romantic love, partnership, proposal, marriage

Development of a deep kindred connection. This is a unification of two people, ideas, or situations. This is the time for commitment and harmony.


3 of Cup

Celebration, friendship, creativity, community

COMMUNITY : camaraderie, friends, group success, neighbors

Friendship, celebrations, a circle of support

Emotional support is available through friendship. Celebrate the dance within community. Embrace others’ emotional support—you are worthy. Can also represent indulgence.


4 of Cup

Meditation, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation

SELF-ABSORPTION : reflection, losing interest, lacking motivation, boredom

Apathy, feeling unfulfilled, unexpected gifts

You may feel indifferent to emotional opportunity. You can miss the magic by selfishly living your own indifference. Awaken to possibility.


5 of Cup

Loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement

BEREAVEMENT : loss, regret, living in past, let down, sadness, grief

Loss, regret, grief, feeling abandoned or unloved

Face disappointment head on, and then put it behind you. Do not deny the emotional support that is available.


6 of Cup

Reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence

NOSTALGIA : happy memories, people from past, inner child

Nostalgia, gifts, innocence, reunions, friendship

Indulging the past. Return of someone. A chance to tie up loose ends from the past. Nostalgia and innocence.


7 of Cup

Fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, imagination

DAY DREAMING : choices, decisions, wishful thinking, fantasy

Too many choices, commitment issues, abuse

Temptation. There is an opportunity for choices. You are unsure of the choice, or you are considering what you may not truly want.


8 of Cup

Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal

UNFULFILLED : walking away, new direction, no turning back, burning bridges

Abandonment, withdrawal, retreat, travel, moving on

You have achieved much, there is much stability, but you choose to move away from what no longer serves you. Do not regret what you leave behind.


9 of Cup

Wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction

FULFILLMENT : satisfaction, sensual pleasure, getting what you want

Wishes come true, material abundance, good health

This is a wish fulfillment. This is a chance to consider if this is really what you want. Understand your true desires. Do not accept this as the end. Do not over-indulge.


10 of Cup

Harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment

HAPPINESS : family happiness, blessings, love, contentment, children

Marriage with children, family reunions, total love and support

Celebration of your emotional path. This glorious harmony results in stability in your relations, offering a time to pause and enjoy one another.


Page of Cup

A messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity

CREATIVE BEGINNINGS : good news, being loving, emotional, and intuitive

A studious kid, a new love, volunteer work, birth of a child

Through the need to feel loved, this is a youthful act of offering emotion. This person is innocent and is open to advancement. They unrealistically offer their whole being. They risk all their love for you due to a lack of experience.


Knight of Cup

Romance, charm, "Knight on shining armor", imagination

SENSITIVE : romantic, emotional, loving, caring, introspective

A "Prince/ss Charming", a romantic proposal

This is a message of emotional support that is cunning and true. This can represent a lover or friend who comes to your aid. Sometimes this is a signal of your ‘Prince Charming’ who sweeps you off your feet with his magnetic personality.


Queen of Cup

Emotional security, calm, intuitive, compassionate

INTUITIVE : sensitive, caring, gentle, artistic, compassion, calm

A nurturing person, healing, support, help when you need it

Receptive of love and emotionally balanced. This individual can be a nurturing, healing matriarchal figure. This is an emotionally stable and kind energy. She approaches situations intuitively; her avant-garde approach can create bewilderment.


King of Cup

Emotional balance and control, generosity

LOVING : wise, tolerant, caring, helps others grow, subtle influence

A great parent, tolerance, empathy, understanding

Balanced, masculine and mature emotional energy. This can be a diplomatic patriarchal figure. This energy is compassionate. This person has great capacity for love—giving and receiving. You can trust him for emotional support. He seeks to educate.


1 of Coin

Manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity

MATERIAL STRENGTH : financial prosperity, practicality, real-world impact

New job, raise, promotion, investment, income source

Opportunity for abundance in earthly realms. The law of attraction is the realm in which possibilities can arise. An offer of new beginnings awaits.


2 of Coin

Balance, adaptability, time management, prioritization

JUGGLING : juggling money and/or life, adapting quickly, busyness

Multi-tasking, two choices or jobs, weighing multiple options

You are in the midst of competing experiences, life roles, or material choices. You have found a balance in your desire for stability


3 of Coin

Teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learning

TEAMWORK : learning, new skills, studying, apprentice, competence, planning

Skill, quality, craftsmanship, teamwork, home repairs

Success is found using collaboration, skills, and resources. Through collaboration you have created a foundation upon which you can build.


4 of Coin

control, stability, security, possession, conservatism

WEALTH : hold onto money, budget, stability, conservatism

Desire for long-term security, fear of change

The holding back of resources. You are holding on too tightly to something tangible. You may not be willing to let go, feeling more comfortable with what is “tried and true.”


5 of Coin

isolation, insecurity, worry, financial loss, poverty

POVERTY : lack, financial hardship, hopeless, financial uncertainty

Poverty, ill health, worry, isolation, financial loss

An earthly situation is no longer serving you, leaving you feeling left out in the cold. You are unconsciously choosing to suffer as apposed to trying other options.


6 of Coin

Generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth

GENEROSITY : plenty, abundance, financial help, charity, giving

Giving or receiving help, loans or debt, generosity

You have found a balance in life between giving and receiving—having received much, you now how the capacity to give. This act can offer fulfillment and open the doors to growth.


7 of Coin

Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment

PATIENCE : fruits of your labors, earned success, evaluation

Patience, hardwork, delayed success, waiting for ROI

You have put forth hard work and effort and you are nearing a time of manifestation. Your patience will cultivate its reward.


8 of Coin

Apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement

EDUCATION : job satisfaction, making money, progress

Mastering your craft, creating a "body of work"

Your detailed, focused concentration over time will result in building your skills as well as your reputation. You know what you want and how to achieve it. Your perseverance will pay off.


9 of Coin

Gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination

LUXURY : affluence, stability, security, prosperity, self reliance

Luxury, self-sufficiency, financial gain, solo pleasures

You are now at a state of accomplishment. This grounded energy brings contentment. Now is a good time find enjoyment in the pleasures of life. You are independent and secure.


10 of Coin

Wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement

LEGACY : affluence, family money, inheritance, sum of money

Leaving a legacy, building assets, retirement, an in heritance

You have attained success in all earthly avenues. This card can represent inheriting a large sum of money. Often implies stable family life.


Page of Coin

Manifestation, financial opportunity, new job

PRACTICALITY : dependability, seeking abundance, business opportunity

A patient kid, a new job or raise, family or money news

This represents a person or state in which you are coming into a job or opportunity as a novice. You are determined in the path you have chosen. This page is the most stable and generous of all pages. He is resourceful and ambitious to nurture is goals.


Knight of Coin

Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical

THOROUGH : practical, realistic, cautious, hard worker, disliking change

A reliable person, patience, hardwork, travel by land, job offer

This represents an incoming energy of methodical stability, reliability, and sustainability. This marks the moment that your efforts are becoming realized, due to your steady progress. This can also represent a time when you are giving support, or can represent person who has your back.


Queen of Coin

Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security

RESOURCEFUL : down-to-earth, organized, stability, mature, trustworthy

A resourceful person, fertility, domestic skills

This is a resourceful and incredibly capable figure. This can be a prosperous woman who is capable of juggling family and career. She is all about refinement and beauty. As an energy you are in a state of feeling secure and capable of building your foundation.


King of Coin

Security, control, power, discipline, abundance

BUSINESS LEADER : assuring presence, enterprising, assumes responsibility

A solid and practical person, material success, wise use of assets

This is the most grounded energy of the Tarot. This person’s value is a self built, stable structure. He is a dependable, hardworking, and generous father figure. This is a nurturing, abundant energy that has strength to withstand apposing forces. He is protective and patient to see his means to an end.



Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit

NEW BEGINNINGS: innocence, journey, spontaneity, free spirit, change

Fresh hope, take chances, new beginnings, travel

Leap of faith into innocence or ignorance. Learn to let go of the past and step towards your own truth. Know that the Fool marks the moment before manifestation. The fool steps blindly with faith for his fresh start.



Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness

REALIZING POTENTIAL : power, purpose, resourcefulness, skill determination

Focused creativity, turn visions into reality

Imagination becoming reality. You have the tools at hand for co-creation. Have clear intention for your inspiration. Do not doubt the universal support for your manifestation. You have resources and infinite possibilities.


High Priestess

Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind

INTUITION : higher powers, wisdom, secrets, subconscious mind

Secrets, mystery, intuition, trust yourself

Be receptive of spiritual and hidden messages. Trust the answers that lie within. Develop trust through the hidden rhythms of the divine feminine and be soft spoken of this gift.



Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance

FERTILITY : mother, lover, nature, protection, abundance

Pregnancy, good parenting, abundance

Take part in acts that bring abundance of joy in your life. This is the birth of a new idea—the connection of consciousness and intuition in the physical realm and the embodiment of feminine beauty. Know that there is a necessity to nurture your femininity.



Authority, farther-figure, structure, solid foundation

AUTHORITY : father-fatigue, leadership, structure, regulations

Respect, a father figure, strategic planning

Determined and stable power. Leads with complete confidence of conviction, while protecting the tangible. Deepen your balance with tender authority. Do not go power hungry, and be thoughtful of your future.



Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs

ORGANIZATIONS : belief systems, group identification & rules, seeking education

A religious ceremony, "fitting in", traditions

Creates familiarity through tradition in the world we experience. Can represent large organizations. This could be a time to seek spiritual wisdom, or a time where your beliefs matter deeply.



Love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices

RELATIONSHIPS : love, communication, union, harmony, choices

Partnership, deep love, balance of two together

A conscious decision to share partnership with another. Can also be within a job or your place in a friendship. It is the expression of love in action. Love is a choice in each moment.



Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination

DIRECTION : victory, self-control, willpower, ambition, focus

Action and change, a journey, a new vehicle, vrroom-vrroom

Take the reins. This path is carved through effort and will take self-discipline to attain achievement. Be open to change and move forward with a means to an end. Also can indicate a time of motion or travel.



Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion

FORTITUDE : inner strength, love, patience, compassion

Take control, self-love and confidence, good health

Now tame this passion from the Chariot with kindness. Conquer internal fears through courage and compassion. Nurture and subdue any internal or external untamed passion through diplomacy.



Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance

SOLITUDE : introspection, seeking understanding, being alone, inner guidance

Go within for clarity, a quest for personal truth

Lighting the shadows to find inner truth. Seek higher wisdom from within. Such understanding comes from peace, contemplation, and observation. So detach from the world and cultivate inner guidance.


Wheel of Fortune

Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point

DESTINY : turning point, life cycles, awakening, big picture vision

Good fortune, a turning point, gambling

The hands of time turn the wheel of life. This can indicate “luck” or a realization of momentary success. But do not forget to embrace the cyclical patterns, for one moment you’re up, and then you’re down, but flux does not mean defeat.



Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law

JUSTICE : fairness, law, clear logic, truth, balance

Cause and effect, win-win solutions, the truth comes out

Signals the need for attention to decisions and actions—a call for accountability in your life. You are actively maintaining your life or a matter as a Justice would. This means putting your life in balance by logical means. Be in a state of willingness for equilibrium. Can indicate legal matters lying ahead.


The Hanged Man

Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice

SACRIFICE : letting go, evaluation, new perspective, vulnerability

Wisdom, self-sacrifice, get a unique perspective

A time for suspending your defenses to gain better clarity on a personal level. A voluntary pause of the external world. This is a self imposed pull from action and the complications of life towards a new perspective. It is time to reevaluate limiting patterns.



Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition

TRANSFORMATION : endings and beginnings, transition, shedding

Big changes, endings, rebirth, let go and move on

This card signals a major transformation in your life. Something must be released in order to make way for something revolutionary. Immersion in grieving leads way for healing. This process begins with recognition and leads to saying goodbye fully.



Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning

BALANCE : moderation, combining, healing, patience

Balance, harmony, self-control, moderation

The integration with the heart and the spirit. Moderation is key. Find your harmony in spirituality and emotion. Open your heart to what needs balance. The spirit only interacts in the now. Though life continues, don’t put your spirituality last.



Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism

BONDAGE : despair, addiction, self-restriction, lust, dark side of self

Addiction, greed, envy, materialism, compulsion

There is no touch with feelings or heart in this abusive power. Free yourself from entrapment. You are enslaved by the image you have projected upon the world with no regard to your spiritual journey. This is not an end, but a rebirth.



Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation

DESTRUCTION : false securities, upheaval, sudden change, wake-up call

Unwanted change, ruin, disgrace, upheaval

Unexpected destruction or rattling of a foundation that was not stable. This may all be external, but with a keen sense can be avoided. It leads to the capacity to rebuild. This is the universal test of your strength and how your foundations were built.



Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity

HOPE : guidance, generosity, relief, inspiration, harmony

Renewal, hope, inner clarity, miracles

Healing creates the potential to have faith, and therefore this desire will illuminate potential. Let the star inspire possibility. Though you might give up control, the light opens the ability to heal. Once your wounds are cured, a wish can lead to a new hope.



Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious

ILLUSION :intuition, fear, bewilderment, others deceiving you

Unseen problems, voluntary changes

Being immersed in confusion or deception. Usually the torment of your inner shadows. Things may be distorted because of what you want hidden. This represents a connection to your subconscious mind. Reevaluate hidden desires and be in tune with your instincts.



Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality

ILLUMINATION : clarity, fun warmth, success, vitality, clarity

Material happiness, a joyous outcome

An all presiding bliss and happiness. This is the conscious awareness of harmony. This light reflects your true inner radiance. Let your true innocence shine fourth. Represents life, abundance, and breakthrough.



Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution

AWAKENING : rebirth, inner calling, new perspective

Clarity, a final decision, a wake-up call, your purpose

An inspiring new cycle. This is a rebirth, a fresh new start. Whatever wounds that have prevailed are released. Pure potential lies ahead. This is an experience that requires your own call to action that heeds change that will transform you.


The World

Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel

COMPLETION : integration, perfect unity, wholeness, accomplishment

Completing a goal or life lesson, travel, emigration

This is completion, satisfaction, fulfillment. The feeling of closure is present. This is the moment that the culmination of energy toward manifestation has come full circle and has integrated you towards your calling as an enlightened, balanced individual. Victory has arrived.


1 of Sword Reversed

Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity

CONFUSION : failed efforts, bad timing, wrong choice, chaos, stress

Stress, mental blocks, poor judgement, dishonesty

Mental diversion. Dishonesty.


2 of Sword Reversed

Indecision, confusion, information overload

MIXED INFORMATION : mixed emotions, difficult decisions, wrong conclusions

Confusion, indecision, info overload, a compromise

You have taken off your blindfold to make a choice, or are creating unnecessary conflict.


3 of Sword Reversed

Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness

HEALING : recovery, ending seclusion, releasing sorrow, forgiveness

Apologies, recovery after loss, physical healing

A time for recovery and healing. A warning, your heart is not open. Fear of loss.


4 of Sword Reversed

Restlessness, burn-out, lack of progress

CAUTIOUS RE-ENTRY : clarity, starting again well-rested, slow movement

Restlessness, anxiety, ready for action, burnout

You are coming out of a time of mental rest with small steps.


5 of Sword Reversed

Open to change, past resentment

TERMINATION : ending unhealthy relationships, making changes

A fair fight, peace after trouble, getting caught

Your perspective has limited you.


6 of Sword Reversed

Cannot move on, carrying baggage

BLOCKED : dead end, feeling stuck, unforeseen forces at work

Unable to move on, stagnancy, travel issues

Issues of the past keep holding you back.


7 of Sword Reversed

Mental challenges, breaking free

REVEAL : honesty, openness, getting caught, stolen items returned

Punishment, getting caught, trying to make things right

Getting caught. Let go, your attempts are getting you nowhere.


8 of Sword Reversed

Open to new perspectives, release

RELEASE : mental liberation, clear thinking, renewed initiative

Release, new hope, escape, liberation, freedom

Surpassing restrictions, rising to a new perspective or finding the way out.


9 of Sword Reversed

Hopelessness, severe depression, torment

PERSPECTIVE : facing fears, looking forward, focused on opportunities

Rest, recovery, healing, relief, extreme torment

Stress over something non-existent or slowly recovering from mental anguish.


10 of Sword Reversed

Recovery, regeneration, fear of ruin, inevitable end

RELIEF : fatigue, the worst has passed, lessons learned, liberation

A new start, recovery, forgiveness

Denial of an end, self trickery.


Page of Sword Reversed

All talk and no action, haste, undelivered promises

BRAGGART : immaturity, communication errors, being all talk

A weak kid, bad news, legal or tax issues

Be careful of being overzealous in your investigations. Represents being selfish.


Knight of Sword Reversed

Scattered thought, disregard for consequences

EGOTISTICAL : tactless, impulsive, criticizing, aggressively competitive

A violent person, deliberate cruelty, being out of control

Can be malicious. He is erratic, rash, or revealing a false truth.


Queen of Sword Reversed

Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted

COLD-HEARTED : cunning, bad tempered, overly emotional

A cold person, rigid logic, dishonesty, no compassion

Jaded, abrasive, and narrow minded.


King of Sword Reversed

Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive

OVERBEARING : cruel, merciless, incompetent, illegal actions

A corrupt person, a "con man", bribery, abuse, dirty politics

Tyrannous and unethical.


1 of Wand Reversed

Delays, lack of motivation, weighed down

FALSE STARTS : lacking initiative, bad timing, setbacks, obstacles

Rejection, false starts, delays, impotence, brutality

Dullness of spirit. Lack of self-esteem leading to refusing an opportunity.


2 of Wand Reversed

Fear of unknown, lack of planning

UNEXPECTED : lack of plan, loss of control, unexpected results

Plans fall apart, thinking small, travel problems

Choosing a path that doesn’t stem from desired feelings. Refusing options.


3 of Wand Reversed

Lack of foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals

DREAMER : careless approach, unprepared, untrustworthy partners

Delays, lack of foresight, setbacks, plans failing

Can represent wasted effort. Do not miss this ship to new realms.


4 of Wand Reversed

Breakdown in communication, transition

UNGRATEFUL : communication breakdown, stagnant, excess celebration

Leaving home, moving out, a surprise party, arguments

Disharmony of home and the people you love.


5 of Wand Reversed

Conflict avoidance, increased focus on goals

UNRESOLVED : unresolved issues, pending settlement, agree to disagree

Harmony, problems resolved, success

Tendency to avoid conflict or represents the end of a squabble.


6 of Wand Reversed

Egotism, disrepute, lack of confidence, fall from grace

DEMOTION : betrayal, fall from favor, being taken advantage of

Retreat after failure, giving up, lack of confidence

Lack of accomplishment.


7 of Wand Reversed

Giving up, overwhelmed, overly protective

DISCOURAGED : overwhelmed, doubt, giving up, isolation, disadvantage

Weak boundaries, plans stalling out, giving up

Complacency, indecision, aggression, or feeling overwhelmed


8 of Wand Reversed

Delays, frustration, holding off

MISSTEPS : snap judgements, wasted efforts, delays

Frustrations, travel issues, problems ahead, delays

Delay, stagnation, or you are not moving in the right direction.


9 of Wand Reversed

On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia

DFENSIVENESS : unprepared, isolation, resistance, paranoia

Isolation ends, paranoia, have faith, defensiveness

You are fighting a loosing battle.


10 of Wand Reversed

Taking on too much, avoiding responsibility

REEVALUATION : relief, letting go, laying down burdens, irresponsibility

Taking a break, lightening up, finally saying no, freedom

You have released your burden.


Page of Wand Reversed

Setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, lack of direction

MISLEADING : negativity, pessimism, indecisiveness

A bored kid, struggling at school, immaturity

Loss of objective because of your hasty approach. Blockage of acting on a new beginning.


Knight of Wand Reversed

Haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration

RECKLESS : impatient, rebel, bad tempered, scattered

A chaotic person, sexual excess, impulsive behavior

A frustrated person who is impatient and impulsive without considering consequence.


Queen of Wand Reversed

Shrinking violet, aggressive, demanding

AGGRESSIVE : mean-spirited, selfish, vengeful, domineering

A dull person, apathy, cold or angry energy, aggression

Unaccountable, domineering, and aggressive. Could be obsessed with her own looks and takes risks.


King of Wand Reversed

Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations

PRIDEFUL : overbearing, ruthless, harsh, power abuser

A bully, sexual problems, being not-yet-ready, weakness

Wrathful and careless.


1 of Cup Reversed

Blocked or repressed emotions

DRAINED : emptiness, mental or physical barrenness, emotional exhaustion

Being let down, feeling depressed and disappointed

Blocking or turning down of new emotional opportunities.


2 of Cup Reversed

Break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony

ARGUMENTS : petty quarrels, envy, miscommunication, jealousy, break-up

Breakup, separation, disinterest, arguments

Petty dispute.


3 of Cup Reversed

An affair, "three's a crowd", stifled creativity

WITHDRAWN : misfortune, lethargy, untrustworthy friends, loss of group

Gossip, an affair, too much partying, no support

Gossip. Over-indulgence.


4 of Cup Reversed

Boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof

OVER-INDULGENCE : being aloof, emotional shutdown, too self-absorbed

A new outlook or direction, a missed opportunity

Grasping a sorrow that is not your own.


5 of Cup Reversed

Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness

ACCEPTANCE : release from sadness, moving on, making new plans

Moving on, forgiveness, hope returns, recovery time

Coming out of hardship. Be hopeful. Enough time with grieving.


6 of Cup Reversed

Stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic

LETHARGIC : denial, living in the past, refusal to grow up

Living in the past, naivety, unrealistic expectations

Rekindle positive past reflections. Murky, mingling illusion of memory.


7 of Cup Reversed

Temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics

SELF-DELUSION : too much escapism & indulgence, procrastination

Clarity, the illusion ends, restored sense

Unclear decision making or regretful decision.


8 of Cup Reversed

Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away

DEPRESSION : denial, indecision, need to confront the truth

Someone returns home, fully learning from the past

Acquire the confidence to move on.


9 of Cup Reversed

Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism

ENTITLEMENT : smugness, greed, taking for granted, too indulgent

Greed, weight gain, laziness, too much dissatisfaction

Negative intentions are surfacing with a mask of true desire.


10 of Cup Reversed

Misalignment of values, broken home or marriage

SORROW : family quarrels, stressed relationships, failed plans, worry

Family trouble, empty nest, broken marriage

Do not forget: you are worthy of emotional stability.


Page of Cup Reversed

Emotional immaturity, creative block

EMOTIONAL : oversensitive youth, repressed intuition, refusing good advice

A bratty kid, immaturity, a breakup, codependence

Not offering or accepting love being offered.


Knight of Cup Reversed

Unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness

TEMPERAMENTAL : indulging in daydreams, moody, overly emotional

A moody jerk face, unrealistic romantic hopes, abuse

You may find yourself in an unpleasant relationship or situation due to a disconnect between your emotion and reality, however your heart deserves more. This can also indicate being overly sensitive.


Queen of Cup Reversed

Emotional insecurity, co-dependency

CO-DEPENDENCY : unreliable, inefficient, moodiness, lacking confidence

A smothering person, insecurity, addiction

An irrational, overly emotional person or energy.


King of Cup Reversed

Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility

MANIPULATION : emotional abuse, taking advantage, moodiness

An abusive person, emotional manipulation

Closed off, leading to not allowing or receiving emotional support. He may be emotionally manipulative in order to punish.


1 of Coin Reversed

Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight

MATERIALISM : greedy, hoarding, monetary delays, lost opportunity

Greed, going into debt, stressing about money

Turning down, refusing, or blocking of opportunities.


2 of Coin Reversed

Disorganization, financial disarray

DISORDER : scattered energy, instability, financial problems

Inability to commit, struggling, overwhelmed

Need for discipline to maintain balance.


3 of Coin Reversed

Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills

STAGNATION : blocked creativity, lacking effort, burdened by work

Office politics, no teamwork, sloppy craftsmanship

Lack of teamwork. “All-for-one” mentality. Empty action.


4 of Coin Reversed

Greed, materialism, self-protection

FINANCIAL LOSS : taking financial risks, monetary difficulties, gambling

Bankruptcy, poverty mindset, being vulnerable

Can mean greediness, or losing of finances. You can be holding too tightly on account of fear of loss.


5 of Coin Reversed

Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty

PERSEVERANCE : change for the better, renewed hope, finding employment

A new job or home, hope returns, recovery

Reverting back to stability.


6 of Coin Reversed

Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity

COVETING : imbalance, sinking finances, feeling cheated, greed, envy

Debt, one-sided charity, selfishness, struggling

You are allowing your resources to be taken or do not have stability to give.


7 of Coin Reversed

Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward

LIMITED SUCCESS : misfortune, loss, wasting money, impatience

Giving up too soon, laziness, work with no reward

Impatience. Disappointment in the fruits of your labor.


8 of Coin Reversed

Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus

UNAMBITIOUS : unskilled, cutting corners, unreliable, unwilling to work

Perfectionism, repair work, lack of focus or ambition

Lack of ambition in efforts to lead toward your goal.


9 of Coin Reversed

Over-investment in work, financial setbacks

SETBACKS : feeling isolated, being taken advantage of, too focused on work

Workaholism, jealousy, envy, financial setbacks

You are codependent or life is not returning what you deserve.


10 of Coin Reversed

Financial failure, loneliness, loss

LOSS : loss of community/family, monetary loss, absorbed in material

Foreclosure, family conflicts, loneliness, financial failure

Loss of funds or stability of your accomplishment.


Page of Coin Reversed

Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus

BAD NEWS : unfulfilled promises, missed opportunities

A trouble-making kid, problems with school, bad advice

Uninterested. Lack of ambition or blockage of goals.


Knight of Coin Reversed

Laziness, boredom, feeling 'stuck'

OBSESSIVE : stubborn, grinding, self-serving, resisting compromise

A stubborn person, laziness, unemployment, immaturity

Impatience. No more motivation to continue at the same pace.


Queen of Coin Reversed

Imbalance in work/family commitments

SELF-CENTERED : driven for money over relationships, work/home imbalance

A greedy person, envy, financial dependence

She can be stubborn or can avoid responsibilities.


King of Coin Reversed

Authoritative, domineering, controlling

UNETHICAL : corruption, lacking business acumen, ruthless, greedy

A jealous person, no follow-through, stubbornness

Greedy. Controlling. Can be blunt with expectations.


Fool Reversed

Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking

RESISTANCE : stuck, foolishness, risk taking, recklessness

Carelessness, apathy, being unprepared, absence

Refusing to make choices out of fear. Possibility of being used in bliss of ignorance or foolish behavior.


Magician Reversed

Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents

MANIPULATION : ineptitude, poor planning, latent talents

Scattered energy, wasting resources

Remember that your intentions create physical form. Misdirection of energy. Can often represent a manipulator.


High Priestess Reversed

Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice

SUPERFICIAL : hidden agendas, not listening to inner voice

Clouded insight, blocked intuition

It is easy to focus mainly on the manifestations in life, but don't forget the receiving. Do not cut yourself off from your deeper intuitive knowing.


Empress Reversed

Creative block, dependence on others

INFERTILITY : creative block, over indulgent, insecure

Dependence on others, fertility issues

Do not let yourself block the seedling of creativity. Lack of self confidence leads to anxious behavior.


Emperor Reversed

Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility

DOMINATION : use of force, controlling, rigidity, inflexibility

Dependence on others, fertility issues

You are not in control. Do not be consumed by your own self interests. Take a responsible step toward your masculine logical mind.


Hierophant Reversed

Restriction, challenging the status quo

REBELLION : restriction, unethical, challenging authority

Originality, problems with authority

You may be getting caught up in conforming to others’ views of your life out of obligation. You may be receiving poor or hurtful guidance.


Lovers Reversed

Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values

DISHARMONY : imbalance, struggle, loneliness, miscommunication

Breakup, divorce, arguments, discord, regrets

Attachment to desire over love. Inability to unify the head with the heart. A blockage of love to enter. Also a feeling of being unfulfilled in love.


Chariot Reversed

Lack of control and direction, aggression

DOMINEERING : accidents, delay, lack of focus, aggression

Giving up, losing direction, travel issues

Seeing things merely in right and wrong or in black and white. Allowing others to steer your ship can make your path unclear.


Strength Reversed

Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline

WEAKNESS : self-doubt, egoism, lack of self-discipline, suppressed urges

Abuses of power, disgrace, fear, discord

Inability to move forward on account of doubt. Learn to face your fears. Inability to align to your value.


Hermit Reversed

Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal

ISOLATION : loneliness, withdrawal, fearful, abandonment

Loneliness, repeating past mistakes

You may be dwelling in extreme solitude, denying solitude, or at a point in which you need to recede from it.


Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control

INSTABILITY : bad timing, stress, rapid change, out of control

Bad luck, stuck in a rut, things out of control

Say no to repeating destructive cycles. Seek a positive flow of life. You are delaying a new Karmic cycle to begin.


Justice Reversed

Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty

INJUSTICE : unfairness, bias, shame, indecision, dishonesty

Dishonesty, unfairness, bigotry, legal problems

There could be misguided justice or misuse of power in your life.


The Hanged Man Reversed

Martyrdom, indecision, delay

MARTYRDOM : ulterior motives, unmotivated, selfish

Selfishness, feeling like a victim, traitors

Re-emerge with clear intention. Liberate your newly transcended thought.


Death Reversed

Resistance to change, unable to move on

STUCK : depression, unable to move on or recover

Stagnation, inertia, hope destroyed, feeling stuck

Not allowing a pattern end. There may be fear of a downfall.


Temperance Reversed

Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision

IMBALANCE : extremes, conflicts, lack of long-term vision

Disruptive energy, chaos, excess

Inability to compromise. Don’t allow distractions that cause imbalance. Spiritual integration may be missing.


Devil Reversed

Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed

BREAKING FREE : hopefulness, power reclaimed, recovery

Recovery, leaving an abusive situation

Not letting go. It’s easy to get wrapped up in entitlement. Allow yourself to find the true inner identity of yourself.


Tower Reversed

Avoidance of disaster, fear of change

PRECAUTION : fear and avoidance of change or disaster

Oppression, disaster averted, fear of change

Warning that you are avoiding the inevitable. Also can mean averting (just missed) disaster.


Star Reversed

Lack of faith, despair, discouragement

HOPELESS : despair, sabotaging, lacking creativity, troubled

Depression, illness, arrogance, impotence

Blockage of forgiveness, a door toward healing of spirit. Need to ascend your beliefs.


Moon Reversed

Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion

DECEPTION : deceiving yourself, over-relying on logic, blocked intuition

Clarity, the truth is revealed, a message in your dreams

This will bring hidden motives to light. Reemergence.


Sun Reversed

temporary depression, lack of success

LINGERING DOUBT : unable to focus on positive, clouded perspective

Delayed gratification, temporary depression

You are subduing your natural abilities from “Source.” Obsession with empowerment, can lead to blocking your radiance.


Judgement Reversed

Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination

AVOIDANCE : stagnation, refusal of self examination, indecision

Denial, an error in judgement, weakness

The feeling of entrapment. Redundant Karmic cycles. Move on, seek regeneration and release.


The World Reversed

Lack of completion, lack of closure

PENDING : obstacles, incomplete project, lack of closure

Permanence, unfinished lessons, travel issues

You are not allowing recognition of your works. Reap your reward.