Lore Books (d35)

d35 Book Lore


The Story of Evergrave

Evergrace was founded by house Hearthworn in 207 AC, following a turbulent period In Lothen, followed by waves of immigration. The establishment of Evergrace north of the Lion Mountains signaled the beginning of a new era for powerful houses that wish to exist outside Lothen’s yoke. The rising power of Evergrace was already discussed in the halls of kings throughout Vitallia. Alas, the ruler of the newly found kingdom was not aware of the power and influence of the Maor Elves that lived beneath the surface of the earth. When Queen An-Khaless-Na appeared before the king of Evergrace, she demanded a tribute of blood. The power of the elves could not be questioned and Evergrace, although strong, could never match the power of the Amar queen of Arcanara. And so, Evergrace was forced to surrender several children of young age to the Queen for reasons that remain unknown. It has been recorded that none of these children ever returned to Evergrace, except Endorious, after forty two years of captivity. Endorious was never able to reveal what had occurred in the warrens of the underground kingdom. Soon after his reappearance, he visited the city’s market, and there, he played a melody on his violin that he had learned during his years in prison. It was a lullaby sung by the queen to him nightly. When the song was heard in Evergrace, the whole city burned to the ground.


The Battle of the Swordbridge

The Battle of the Swordbridge marked the end of Norionor’s march and Lothen’s expansive war on The Mainland. Norionor Whiteshield, whom Lothenians claim was the greatest King to rule after Vheod Whiteshield, agreed to fight a champion named Element in a single duel on a stone bridge that connected the kingdoms of Rose and Mooncry. The fight took place on the 12th of November in 1003 AC in Swordbridge during a flare of a phenomenon known as “The Tears” when fire pours down from the sky instead of normal Rain. Norionor knew little of his enemy, the Element, and information regarding his life and origins is still vague. It seems that the Element was created by magic but resembled an Elf. The Element was allegedly designed to defeat Norionor by powerful individuals who sought to stop Lothen’s expansion. The bard Istilian Veriam wrote a verse imagining Norionor’s dialogue with the Element. The poem is called “Words of Fire” and became famous in many kingdoms, as people believe it suited Norionor’s temperament and style of speech. The Element killed Norionor and was never seen again in Vitallia. The king’s body was left on that bridge to burn under the rain of fire. When his body was found, his hair and clothes had been burnt and his body was covered in ashes. The Battle of the Swordbridge stopped Lothen’s expansion and forced the Lothenian armies to return to their kingdom, gradually losing their claim over the lands that were conquered during The March of the Lion.


The History of Magic

Magic was introduced to Vitallia via the power of Gods and The Sentinel. By the time the Races were created, magic was already abundant in the world. The firstborn creatures, regardless of species, were more attuned to magic than ever. The blood of the Sentinel flowed thick in their veins and magic was as natural to them as breathing. However, without guidance, knowledge was lost, and the people of Vitallia took to sword and spear to fight their wars, save for the Shanah and some exceptions. Humans were the first to research magic and study its mysteries. And through obscure and persistent practices, a closed guild wrote the First Books of Magic, which contained the most powerful spells of mankind, similar to those of the Gods. It began with Necromancy, which lead to the summoning of Nedel, the force that shaped The Great War and changed the balance of the world. The students of magic sought ways to bring the dead back to life, and so, they aimed to negate the distance and the barriers between the material world and the Underworld. Through magic, they learned to create gates by removing these barriers and bending the dimensions.


The Battle of Eastrose

The Battle of Eastrose, fought in 1003 AC, was the final and most significant battle of King Norionor Whiteshield's legendary campaign, the March of the Lion. This battle was a challenge, as it took place between Lothen and Rose, and Rose's wizards were known to be the most powerful in Vitallia.
Norionor had received information regarding a rare phenomenon that would be in his favor, a temporary negation of magic, he used this information to plan his attack. He timed it perfectly so that the army of Rose would be defenseless when he launched his assault. His army was able to defeat the powerful army of Rose, and in doing so, he made history by becoming the first mortal in history to force Queen Meriel Roserise to submit Rose's army to his campaign.
The Battle of Eastrose solidified Norionor's position as a great leader and conqueror, but it also marked the beginning of the end as Norionor's pride and arrogance grew along with his fame, which ultimately led him to the Battle of the Swordbridge and his demise.


The Battle of Hellmouth

The Battle of Hellmouth took place inside The Crater of The Sentinel in 2018 AC. A group of powerful individuals led by Eleformious of The Blade Guardians faced Taarum Thiaspis, the Lich of the Seas and one of the Wizards of the Gate. Queen Meriel Roserise of Rose and Moldegarion aided the adventurers by opening the Crater's entrance, which was sealed with Amber. There are numerous accounts of the battle, which suggest the presence of various individuals and powerful beings, including Morph, an enigmatic deity, and Darmakaya, the Stone Kraken. Despite facing formidable opposition, Eleformious emerged victorious but the exact nature of his victory remains a topic of speculation and debate among historians and scholars. Some believe that he channeled a fragment of his father's power, which led to Nedel's essence being summoned back into the world. The true cost of the Battle of Hellmouth remains unknown.


The Battle of Lionfalls

The Battle of Lionfalls was a decisive battle that gave Sarta back its independence during the War of the River. In 350 AC, King Jonas Kadim led the Sartian armies to the Lionfalls where the river Fork forms a delta. There in the marshlands gathered The United Armies of the Fork that had sworn fealty to King Eru Whiteshield. King Jonas had secured, in secret, the support of military leaders that served in the United Armies, officers of Igros and Sol who were negatively predisposed towards Lothen’s yoke. Jonas rallied an army of 20.000 strong Sartians, supported by agents of Igros and Sol who would sabotage Lothen’s units in battle. King Jonas deployed a special unit of archers from Raigwood who drove Lothen’s cavalry deeper into the marshlands until they were trapped and slaughtered by volleys of arrows. The battle then moved to the banks of the river where a remaining force of 5.000 Sartians prevailed against 12.000 Lothenians in a historic victory on the 5th of August 350 AC. The War of the River marked Sarta’s independence and shook Lothen’s foundations, fueling the kingdoms of Igros and Sol with hope.


The Battle of Scissor Forest

The Battle of Scissor Forest was the second major battle of King Norionor Whiteshield's legendary campaign, the March of the Lion. This time he faced the Scorpion Army of the Freelanders, a formidable enemy that rode giant scorpions and unleashed an army of warriors that consisted of free men and slaves. The battle took place in the dense Scissor Forest and the surrounding area.

The Scorpion Army of the Freelanders were known for their fierce and unorthodox fighting style, they were not afraid to fight in the woods, and they had a significant advantage over Norionor's army. But Norionor was not one to be underestimated. He was known for his cunningness and strategic thinking. He devised a plan to neutralize them. He ordered his men to set traps in the forest, and they ambushed the Scorpion Army, catching them off guard.
The Battle of Scissor Forest was intense and brutal, with both sides putting everything they had into the fight. But in the end, it was Norionor who emerged victorious. He defeated the Scorpion Army of the Freelanders and forced them to join Lothen, adding their army to his. The Battle of Scissor Forest was a significant victory for Norionor and his army, and it solidified their position as a formidable force in Vitallia.


The Battle of Vlada

The Battle of Vlada, fought in 1001 AC, marked the first victory of King Norionor Whiteshield's legendary campaign, the March of the Lion. The battle took place in the rugged and unforgiving landscape of Armorgrand, a land of volcanoes and barren wastelands. At the heart of this land stood the fortress of Vlada, the stronghold of the Armorian Hordes, a formidable enemy. The Armorian Hordes were led by the mighty Krull the Wolf of the Canyon, a brutal and ruthless warrior who commanded the respect of his men. His second in command was the terrible Shaman Gur-Ahar, a powerful sorcerer who wielded dark magic. The Horde was made up of the feared Brutgors, the most fearsome warriors in Vitallia, respected by all. The Armorian Hordes were a formidable force, but they were no match for King Norionor Whiteshield's tactics. He fought with the determination of a lion and his army fought with a similar resolve to win. The battle was intense and brutal, with both sides putting everything they had into the fight. But in the end, it was Norionor who emerged victorious. The Battle of Vlada was a significant victory in the history of Lothen, it marked the first step of its rise to power and solidified Norionor's position as a great leader and conqueror. He made history by defeating the Armorian Hordes, a seemingly unbeatable enemy, and gaining their allegiance. The Battle of Vlada will always be remembered as the first step in one of the greatest military campaigns in the history of Vitallia.


The War of the Silver Moon

The War of the Silver Moon was a huge war that took place during the Second Age in the land of Avalia (now known as Mooncry). The war was fought between the Avalians who were refugees from Lothen that gained their autonomy after the Great War under the leadership of Istar Avalian and Nedel’s children who managed to escape the Amber Wall of the west and sneak into the land to gain influence over the Mainland. The war lasted for years and resulted in the evolution of the Avalians, the birth of the race of the Serenians, and also of some of the most famous figures in Vitallia such as Eleformious of the Blade Guardians, Folkoner Nemaris and Evairon the Messiah.


History of  the Era Island

Era was a lost island kingdom that was founded by tribes that left the Freelands of the North in 520 AC. They settled on an island located on the Frozen Ocean, which was known for its harsh and unforgiving climate. The island was home to a thriving civilization, with its people living off the land and sea. They built grand structures, and their society was organized and peaceful. However, fate had other plans for Era, as a terrible Frost struck the island in 920 AC. The people of Era believed that this was the will of the Sentinel, a punishment meant for the Freelanders who had raided the secret and sacred mountains of the north. The Frost was merciless, and it destroyed everything in its path. The once-thriving civilization was reduced to ruins, and the people were forced to flee for their lives. King Osgan Situl was the last king of the island, and he led his people as they sought refuge on the mainland. The island was abandoned, and now, it remains a base for stray Islanders to this day. The ruins of Era stand as a stark reminder of the Sentinel’s power and the fragility of human civilization.


The Lost Race of the Shanah

The Shanah were the firstborn race, created by the Sentinel in the early days of the world. They were a proud and powerful people, blessed with great strength and intelligence. They resembled humans but were fiercer and had the power to bend the elements. They moved in hordes and despite their primitive nature, recent findings dictate that they had developed quite a civilization. However, their luck turned for the worse when the Great War broke out between the gods, the Sentinel, and Nedel. The Shanah were caught in the middle of the conflict, and many of them were killed or forced to flee their homes. During the Great War, many of the Shanah migrated east of the Crater, in the hopes of escaping the wrath of the gods. However, they were not safe there, as a powerful spell cast by one of the gods turned a huge Gulf into a dry desert, killing or trapping many of the Shanah. Others fled to the east and north, hiding in the mountains of Exotia to escape the destruction. A number of them were also in the west when the Cell was formed, but the Amber killed or mutated many of them during the First Age. During the 4th century AC, the Shanah fought against the Dragons in Miasel and were slaughtered, while some managed to sail to the Veiled Lands to the west. Today, the Shanah are a nearly extinct race, scattered and struggling to survive in a world that has turned against them. Their once-great civilization is nothing but a distant memory, and the few remaining Shanah are forced to live in hiding, always looking over their shoulders for fear of being hunted down by their enemies. Despite their unfortunate fate, the Shanah's legacy lives on in their advanced civilization, and their power to control the elements still fascinates scholars and adventurers alike.


The Fall of the Erathiel Race

The Erathiel were a proud and noble race, the third creation of the Sentinel during the Great War. They were created to be the messengers of the gods and mortals, able to soar the skies with their wings that shone like the sun, and their deep connection to the sky. Their unique abilities made them respected and revered by all. But their hubris led them to build the flying city of Overcloud, which was considered an affront to the Gods. The Gods, jealous of the Erathiel's abilities, decided to curse them. They stripped the Erathiel of their immortality and made their wings fragile, causing them to fall from the sky and eventually die. The Erathiel, however, did not give up easily. They adapted to their new reality, and despite the curse, they continued to explore the world. But their society was not as prosperous as before, and they were persecuted by other races out of superstition, which led to the near extinction of the Erathiel. Now, the Erathiel are a scattered and dwindling race, struggling to survive and keep their culture and traditions alive. The once-proud flying city of Overcloud is now in ruins, a reminder of their hubris and the cause of their downfall.



The 1st Age in Vitallia began with the Arrival of the Gods, sparking a series of events that led to the Great War. This period was marked by divine upheaval, during which the Sentinel created the Races and established the foundations of civilization. The cosmic changes during the Arrival of the Gods set the stage for the interconnected destinies and dramatic events that shaped Vitallia's history.



Igrais, the Luvar of Fire, responding to the invitation of the other Gods, embarked on a journey into the great Crater. Within its depths, she encountered the mighty Amber Seals containing the children of the Sentinel—monsters and races yet to be born. As she delved deeper into the fiery expanse, an unintentional awakening occurred, stirring the great Sentinel from its slumber.



The Great War marked the Era of the Hunter with the divine clash between the Great Sentinel, the Gods and the Hunter God "Nedel". It was a biblical war that included major events such as the creation of the Races, the death of Gods and the founding of the first kingdoms of mankind.



During the war in Vitallia, the Gods fought fiercely to seize the power within the Crater, resulting in monsters roaming the land. To counter this, the Sentinel created various races with unique powers. The Shanah, made of fire, met an early demise. Gargoyles, with stone and fire, observed from high places. The Erathiel, with wings and wind, could swiftly convey information. Elves, with roots and fire, worshiped nature. Humans, formed from stone and water, were industrious but short-lived. Dwarves, made of rock and fire, were stable and resilient. Brutgors, with red rock and fire, were fierce fighters. After creating these races, the Sentinel dropped its defenses, allowing monsters from the Crater to emerge. These disfigured creatures, born broken and purposeless, spread across Vitallia, seeking solace in warrens during summers to ease their fury and hatred.



The Four Necromancers Akreyn, Taarum, Sokar and Misandria Thiaspis open a Gate and call forth an entity to intervene in the war between the Gods and the Sentinel. Nedel "The Hunter", Justar, Solisis and Arkalis enter Vitallia through the Gate.



Vheod Whiteshield, dubbed the "Brother of Gods," earned his name even before the end of the Great War. Leading the Mountain Tribes, which eventually became the first Lothenians, he rallied Human forces and forged an alliance with the Knight Gods. Honored by the Gods' presence, Vheod gained renown by defeating a legendary lion using only an almond-shaped, white shield. This feat led the Mountain Tribes to follow him in the First Quest of the Great War, showcasing his leadership and prowess on the battlefield.



In a solemn gathering before his people, Vheod Whiteshield pledged his army to the Knight Gods—Justar, Arkallis, and Solisis—for the decisive confrontation against Nedel the Hunter. As a gesture of goodwill, King Vheod offered the Gods the healing waters of his lands, and the divine waters miraculously healed the wounds inflicted upon them in the war against Nedel. This generous act solidified the blessing of the Gods upon King Vheod and the people of Lothen, forging a sacred alliance that would shape their destiny in the unfolding events of the epic conflict.



Embarking on the First Quest, the Three God Knights and the armies of Lothen, under the leadership of King Vheod Whiteshield and first general Odarion Whiteshield, traversed the Western Road to confront Nedel near the great Crater. Amid the mountains of Armorgrand, they encountered the Goddesses Mora and Shyrune, who offered shelter, safe passage, and guidance for their northern route. Months later, the united armies engaged in a brutal battle against Nedel, joining forces with several armies from Central Vitallia. This devastating conflict unfolded on multiple fronts, with the most intense clashes occurring in a location later known as "Dead Gods Lane." The scale and ferocity of the battle marked it as the most impactful and destructive in the history of the world.



The enigmatic Children of Chaos, offspring of the union between Misandria Thiaspis and the God Nedel, include Caine, Eleformious, Gloria, and Salizar. Tragically, Misandria meets her demise during the birthing process, leaving behind these extraordinary beings whose existence intertwines with the cosmic forces of both chaos and divinity.



In a desperate bid to quell the chaos of the Great War, the Gods and the Sentinel collaborate to construct a Cell made of Amber, intending to imprison the powerful entity Nedel on the western continent of Vitallia. However, the potent energy within the Cell brings death and mutations to all living creatures confined within its confines. As a consequence, the western world undergoes a transformative shift, entering a new era marked by undeath and altered forms of existence, casting a somber shadow over the aftermath of the conflict.



In the year 2 AC, following the creation of the Cell to the west, a woman named Meriel Roserise resided near the Tree of Maldagar, situated close to the great Crater. As a young witch, Meriel, accompanied by a small army of followers and students, took on the crucial role of guarding the Tree. The Tree of Maldagar held immense power, attracting various creatures spawned from the Crater. Given its vital importance for the planet's restoration after the Battle of the Gods, Meriel, honored as the "Lady of the Tree," utilized her powers to safeguard this crucial element of the world.



In the year 3 AC, Kargor the Smith assumes leadership of the Dwarves, guiding them towards the island later named Esgolithon. Along the perilous journey, they face swarms of monsters emerging from the Crater. Kargor, possessing the invaluable Runik Stone, a relic carved from the Meteor during the Great War, leads the Dwarves. The Stone, with the power to nullify all magic in a wide area, comes at a cost to the bearer's constitution. Despite the challenges, Kargor vows to carry the Runik Stone to Esgolithon, a sacred mountain where it can be safeguarded effectively.



Nedel was confined within the Cell but free to wander the continent that soon became his kingdom. He travelled from city to city and offered comfort to the mutated creatures who suffered from this terrible injustice from a war that was brought to them without choice. He preached about the True Existence, a peaceful state of being after death, where form does not matter, only energy. The people of the west followed him quickly, proclaiming him Mentor and Savior, a Messiah, a mutated Knight King who suffered alongside them. King Nedel formed the kingdom of the Cell, the dead cities of the West where its people could live without food or water or trees, feeding upon the power and energy of their leader, a giant black cloak that kept them alive in a state of undeath.



In 5 AC, Kargor and the Dwarves travel along the Fragar Canal, avoiding the bulk of the monsters that dwell in the dreary Tooth Mountains. Their journey faces a formidable obstacle in the form of Varaska, a wingless stone dragon blocking their path. This gargantuan creature, composed of sharp rocks and capable of breathing fire, inflicts devastating casualties upon the dwarves. Weakened by the Runik Stone, Kargor finds conventional weapons ineffective against Varaska. Derendar Spirithail rises to the occasion, crafting the Hammer of Stormbane—a war hammer that harnesses electrical energy to deliver a powerful force. Derendar confronts and defeats the monstrous Varaska alone, earning legendary status among his people for this heroic feat.



Kargor instructs the dwarves to build an Ark, big enough to fit the whole race. Germin Andolim designs the Ark and the Dwarven race spends a whole year building it. The vessel is a huge ship that is operated by using the Runik Stone and floats on top of the frozen sea, transferring the dwarves to Esgolithon.



The Brutgors settled around Armorgrand mountain and fought against the native monsters to claim the area under the leadership of Kar-Gul. A great war broke out between the Brutgorian tribes and the Fire Giants of the volcanoes.



In 9 AC, the Dwarves of Kargor the Smith reach the Sacred Mountain and begin to dig their way into the heart of the mountain, slowly forming their first settlement.



In the year 10 AC, under the leadership of Kargor the Smith, the Dwarves achieve a significant milestone by constructing their inaugural city within the heart of the mountain. This development marks a pivotal moment in the Dwarves' history as they establish a centralized hub within the depths of the mountains, showcasing their prowess in craftsmanship and engineering.



In the initial years following the establishment of Rose, major cities flourished around the capital of Rosehail. The Queen, drawing upon the lineage of the first mages who had either followed her or studied under them during the era of the Tree, appointed powerful Arch Mages to command each city. These mages and their families pledged oaths of allegiance to the rightful monarch, forming a formidable royal army adept in wielding powerful magic. To address minor matters within the kingdom, a council known as the Seed, comprising representatives from each authoritative family, was instituted to guide and govern.



A vampire organization, boasting a formidable private army, establishes itself within a territory of the kingdom of Rose. This group, known as the Sacred Fire Order and led by Larev Kreyn, seeks refuge and finds a haven within the boundaries of Rose. The arrival of this enigmatic organization introduces new dynamics and potential challenges to the delicate balance within the kingdom.



The Brutgors establish settlements within the Armorgrand Mountain Range, uniting their tribes under a centralized leadership. This consolidation marks a significant development as the Brutgors forge a more cohesive and organized presence in the rugged terrain of the Armorgrand mountains.

brutgors armorgrand



In the oppressed lands of Avalia, an order of Vampire Hunters takes form with the noble mission of putting an end to the tyranny imposed by the Vampire armies that dominate the country. These hunters unite in their determination to liberate Avalia from the clutches of vampire oppression, dedicating their skills and resources to combat the dark forces that threaten their homeland.



In the year 56 AC, Kargor the Smith passes away, his strength depleted by the energy of the stone, yet his spirit lives on within the Helm of Rugara—a living artifact crafted by Ados Spirithail. The dwarves, mourning the loss of their revered leader, construct a grand tomb in the depths of Asgramon. Giriom Vastos is elected as the first king of the dwarves, proving his resilience against the energies of the Runik Stone, thus assuming a pivotal role in leading the Dwarven community forward.