Frost Setting (1d30)

1d30 Scene Hazard Event Quest


The Frozen Gateway: Your party begins their ascent, passing through a massive arch of ice that marks the entrance to the treacherous Frost Peaks.

Roll on "Hazards"

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"

Roll on "Random Quests - Meteor Tales"


The Shattered Bridge: An ancient stone bridge spans a deep crevasse, but it's broken in the middle. An eerie howling wind warns of the danger that lies below.

Roll on "Hazards"

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"

Roll on "Random Quests - Meteor Tales"


The Whispering Pines: An eerie grove of pine trees blankets the landscape, their branches heavy with snow. As the wind rustles through them, it sounds like whispers from the beyond.

Roll on "Hazards"

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"

Roll on "Random Quests - Meteor Tales"


The Crystal Cave: You discover a glistening cave with walls adorned in shimmering icicles. A soft, eerie melody resonates from the depths.

Roll on "Hazards"

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Frozen Waterfall: A majestic frozen waterfall stands like a wall of ice. It's beautiful, but the thundering sound it creates can be heard from miles away.

Roll on "Hazards"

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Blizzard's Embrace: A sudden and intense blizzard engulfs your party. Visibility is reduced to a few feet, and the howling wind makes it difficult to hear each other.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Frozen Lake: A vast, frozen lake spreads out before you. In the center, an enormous glacier floats ominously, and you can hear faint, distant cries.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Silent Monolith: A monolithic ice sculpture stands like a sentinel. Its presence feels unnatural, and it's rumored to guard the entrance to something ancient and forbidden.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Icy Maze: A labyrinth of ice walls twists and turns, concealing the path forward. Strange symbols etched into the ice walls hint at the labyrinth's creator.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Creeping Frost: As you traverse a narrow pass, you see frost slowly creeping down from the cliffs above. The temperature drops significantly, and you can feel its chilling embrace.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Snow-Covered Village: A quaint, long-abandoned village lies beneath a thick layer of snow. Its eerie silence is broken only by the sound of creaking, abandoned structures.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Frozen Oasis: A small, magical oasis exists amidst the ice and snow. Warm, inviting light emanates from it, and exotic plants and creatures thrive.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Glacial Temple: An imposing temple made entirely of ice looms in the distance. Its walls are etched with ancient runes, and a faint, eerie glow emanates from within.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Petrified Forest: A forest of ancient trees stands frozen in time. It's said that the forest is haunted by the spirits of those who once lived among the trees.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Enchanted Ice Mirror: A massive, flat wall of ice reflects your party's images, but it shows glimpses of past and future events, sending shivers down your spines.

Roll on "Mountain Encounters"


The Frozen Pass: A narrow, dangerous pass winds upward through icy cliffs. An avalanche could strike at any moment, making your journey perilous.


The Chasm of Whispers: A deep chasm stretches out below your party. Eerie whispers echo from its depths, hinting at secrets known only to the wind.


The Frostfire Geysers: Geysers of icy water burst from the ground, forming intricate ice sculptures. But beware, for the geysers also emit bursts of freezing steam.


The Ice-Covered Shipwreck: A shipwreck, encased in a thick layer of ice, juts out of the mountainside. It's said to hold the remains of long-lost treasure and mysteries.


The Frozen Observatory: At the mountain's peak, you discover an ancient observatory. It houses a massive, crystalline telescope that points to the night sky. An unsettling event unfolds as you gaze through it.


The Frozen Tundra: Vast stretches of icy, windswept plains dotted with snow-covered boulders and stunted, frost-covered vegetation.


The Whispering Pine Forest: A dense forest of tall, snow-laden pine trees, their boughs swaying in the wind and producing a soft, haunting whisper.


The Frost-Covered Cliffs: Towering cliffs with jagged, ice-encrusted rock faces that overlook a frigid, churning sea.


The Northern Lights: The night sky comes alive with brilliant, shifting colors, as the aurora borealis dances in the heavens.


The Frozen Waterfalls: Glistening waterfalls, partially frozen in mid-flow, forming intricate ice formations that sparkle in the sunlight.


The Icy Caves: Massive, ice-encrusted caverns hidden within the mountains, where the sound of dripping water echoes in the darkness.


The Blizzard's Wrath: A fierce snowstorm blankets the landscape, reducing visibility and forcing adventurers to seek shelter.


The Viking Ship Graveyard: A desolate shore where the remnants of long-forgotten Viking ships lay half-buried in the snow, waiting to be discovered.


The Husky Sledding Trails: Well-trodden paths through the snow, lined with the tracks of sleds pulled by loyal huskies, who rest in the shelter of small wooden huts.


The Frozen River: A winding river, frozen solid, its icy surface providing a treacherous but expedient route for those brave enough to traverse it.