Pre-Campaign Mini-Adventure Synopsis

Description (more info)

These are random synopsis of mini adventures that could have happened prior to the main campaign. They're a means to set the tone of the story, and potentially understand the dynamics of the party before the main campaign starts.

This was a community created led initiative at r/d100. The original page is here.


{%data_block who_did_you_help%}
An innocent goblin
A cleric
Someone who you owed a favor
A shapeshifter
A ghost
A farmer
An elderly couple
A caravan of settlers
An animal tamer
A travelling merchant
A kobold tribe
A little girl in a red cloak
A family of bears
A freelance peacekeeper
A one-armed man
A wizened old hang
A busty widow
A sailor
The child of a fallen adventurer
A King/Queen (add 50GP to reward)
No one. Your good intentions lead to disastrous results earning the eternal enmity of everyone involved/everyone in a particular region.
A lich impersonating an azata
A kobold tribe A skulking hag
A caravan of settlers
An animal tamer
Local militia.
Noble's daughter.
Priestess of __.
Village blacksmith.
Wealthy merchant.
A widow.
The child of a fallen adventurer.

{%data_block what_did_you_do%}
Retrieved a lost ring
Helped with manual labor
Resolved a long-standing feud
Cured a mysterious illness
Cleared out some nasty vermin
Reunited a disparate family
Raised enough money to save the orphanage
Ended a haunting
Uncovered the real murderer
Saved the midwinter ("Christmas") Festival
Freed a captive
Captured a beast
Started a bloody revolution.
Stole a powerful artifact.
Helped rebuild a temple
Saved miners from a cave in
Broke a magical seal
Defended a village from bandits
Protected a merchant/traveler/noble/weakling (d4) while they delivered something important
Adventure to a dangerous place (eg. up in the mountains) to get a special item (eg. healing herb)
Showed mercy after they'd done wrong
Free a captive Capture a beast

{%data_block where_did_it_happen%}
An inn in a small village
A ruined castle
An abandoned mine
A village built into the side of a cliff
A tree the size of a mountain
A place forgotten by history
A floating island built of broken bones
An ancient library
A lost lake
A gem mine
A kingdom of sprites inside a giant log which you fell into after being shrunk by a coven of hags
A highly guarded monastery run by a paranoid abbott
A dreary mountain pass
A frozen glacier
A sunken shipwreck
A busy city
Along an important trade route
Up in a dangerous mountain pass
A lost lake A gem mine
A desert or prairie

{%data_block how_did_you_succeed%}
Seduced a witch
Negotiated their freedom
You punched so many people
Impersonated a wealthy foreign merchant
By putting away your weapons
Unmasked old man Jenkins
Revealed that the real magic was inside you all along
By holding hands and thinking pure thoughts
By running away, a lot
By telling all of your filthiest jokes
Replaced the head honcho with another charismatic but inexperienced despot
Meticulous planning and near perfect execution
Gnome Goldberg Machine
Switching a barrel of ale with a barrel of black powder
A month of hard work
Negotiated for their freedom

{%data_block rewards%}
Free lodging whenever you’re in town
Land in an unsettled region
A baby pet
Membership of a secret society
Technically, you now have 50 adopted kids
A loaf of bread that's more suited to being a shield than food
A tiny imp that sits on your shoulder and points out interesting flora and fauna
A really nice pair of monogrammed gloves (Not your initials
A barrel of explosive oil
A set of matching +1 light armor with a random magical quality
A shard of a powerful artifact that bursts healing energy at intervals but also teleports every person 500 feet in a random direction.
An unwanted imp Barrel of explosive oil
Land in uncolonized region
A free baby pet

Who did the party help?


What did the party help with?


Where did it happen?


How did you succeed?


The reward
