Random Godly Domains (1d5)

Description (more info)

Depending on your system and in-game universe, there may already be a pantheon, singular or lack of Gods. However, people are superstitious wherever your players go and the Random Domains Tables allow a DM to generate a domain, theme or patronage to quickly flesh out a trinket with a “Random Godly Domain”. These deities can be minor or local Gods to the area, trumped up mages, patron saints, angels, demons, powerful fey, or demigods. Remember these “Gods” don’t have to exist in the same way other deity’s do in your setting who are able to take physical form and can just be a form of local superstition or have cult-like status.

1d5 Result


Roll on "Good Domains"


Roll on "Evil Domains"


Roll on "Neutral Domains"


Roll on "Lawful Domains"


Roll on "Chaotic Domains"