All Random Battle Cries (1d7)

Description (more info)

Whether they’re warcries, taunts, calls to arms, rebel yells, rallying cries, or just offensive trash talk, the existence of battle related chants, shouts and songs are timeless. They can be simplistic and bone chilling, complex and inspiring or primal wordless screams of rage that shakes the enemy down to their iron-shod boots. PC’s can be defined by their words as much as their deeds and their last message to an enemy as battle commences can reveal who they truly are. Finding the perfect phrase for a unique and beloved character can be difficult and having several to choose from can be a quest in itself. Similarly, DM’s can become hard pressed to come up with new and inventive battle cries for enemies to shout just before initiative is rolled. This table is a collection of simple phrases, threats, insults and violent promises for creatures to yell before and during combat to add verbal spice to each attack. —Note: The phrasing for these are copied from their original sources the way they were written (I, Me, We, Him, Man, etc), and a player or DM should change the tenses to best suit the situation.

1d7 Result


Roll on "Battle Cries, 1"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 2"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 3"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 4"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 5"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 6"


Roll on "Battle Cries, 7"