Fantasy kingdom and settlement generator

Created for Fatebenders RPG, but also useful for other fantasy RPGs.

  1. Click "Roll" to generate a kingdom and its capital with 10 districts.
    1. Select another settlement type to generate a settlement with fewer districts and without the kingdom chapter.
    2. Selecting a kingdom aesthetic defines the language in which all the names are generated.
    3. Reroll until you get an inspiring description.
  2. Click the copying button above the generated settlement. (Firefox doesn't retain font and color of copied text, so use another browser for copying)
  3. Paste it into your campaign notes. You can copy this template document to organize your notes in.
  4. Follow the remaining steps described in the Kingdoms and settlements chapter in the linked template document.

Fatebenders by Robert Peetsalu, CC0 1.0

This chart uses input variables
  • Kingdom_aesthetic
  • Settlement_type

{# Load reused tables #}
{% settlement = roll_chart filter_cols:1 filter_exact:Settlement_type id:90235 %}
{% ruler = roll_chart id:80632 %}
{% factions = get_chart id:90318 %}
{% faction_leader_goals = 76240 |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:{$settlement.Districts} |> consumable_list %}
{% faction_traits = 81212 |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:{$settlement.Districts} |> consumable_list %}
{% faction_adjectives = 81215 |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:2 |> consumable_list %}
{% faction_nouns = 81216 |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:6 |> consumable_list %}
{% abilities = ["Fly", "Blast", "Blow", "Fortify", "Entangle", "Shape", "Heat", "Burn", "Smoke", "Spray", "Freeze", "Flow", "Glow", "Flash", "Shock", "Show", "Disguise", "Play", "Enhance", "Poison", "Block", "Cure", "Focus", "Disturb", "Charm", "Connect"] %}
{% weaknesses = get_chart id:76783 %}
{% assets = get_chart id:76784 %}
{% npc_close_relationships = ["partner or friend", "mother or daughter", "father or son", "brother", "sister", "cousin"] %}

{# Load name tables based on chosen language #}
{%if Kingdom_aesthetic == "Random"%}
{% civ = roll_chart id:80444 %}
{% civ = roll_chart filter_cols:1 filter_exact:Kingdom_aesthetic id:80444 %}
{% male = {$civ.Male_names_table.value} |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:EQN({$settlement.Districts} * 3 + 3) |> consumable_list %}
{% female = {$civ.Female_names_table.value} |> get_chart |> unq_rows count:EQN({$settlement.Districts} * 3 + 8) |> consumable_list %}

{# Create data blocks for rolling NPC motives. Using CHART() would slow down the generator. Loading a chart into a variable using get_chart would make it impossible to render macros in some of the rows. #}

{%data_block motives%}
desires a membership
desires independence
desires to have authority
desires to acquire beauty
intends to reveal a dangerous secret of a powerful faction
is eager to hinder a faction's plans
is looking for a teacher to improve their skill
is looking for purpose to their life or for meaning derived from their struggles
longs for forgiveness from their {$npc_close_relationships}
needs expert advice
needs help with a mundane errand
needs medical treatment
needs money urgently
needs protection from a violent faction
needs to find their {$npc_close_relationships}
needs a vacation
needs approval
needs consolation
needs Roll on "Cheap items (fantasy)" (columns: 1)
needs Roll on "Affordable items (fantasy)" (columns: 1)
needs Roll on "Expensive items (fantasy)" (columns: 1)
wants justice
wants revenge against another known NPC
wants to attune to an element or at least experience control over it
wants to be admired for their skill
wants to be admired by another known NPC
wants to prevent a tragedy
wants to rescue their {$npc_close_relationships}
wants to resolve a dispute they have with another known NPC
wants to support another known NPC
wishes for entertainment
wishes to repay a debt
would love to eat a delicacy
would love to have a drink
yearns for the love of another known NPC

{%data_block ability_counts%}
Resolve: {0|1}
Resolve: {0|1|2}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}
Resolve: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}

{% name = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
{% settlement_name = name.1 %}

{%if Settlement_type == "Capital"%}
{% name = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
{% kingdom_name = name.1 %}

Kingdom of {$kingdom_name}

Aesthetic: {$civ.Language}

Locals wear Roll on "Cultural adornments signifying status".


{% cardinal_direction = consumable_list items:[West, North, East, South] %}
{% terrain_feature = 89470 |> get_chart |> unq count:3 |> consumable_list %}
Its borders extend to ..
{% name = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
* the Resolve: {{$name.1} {$terrain_feature}} in the {{cardinal_direction}} and the {{cardinal_direction}},
{% name = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
* the Resolve: {{$name.1} {$terrain_feature}} in the {{cardinal_direction}}
{% name = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
* and the Resolve: {{$name.1} {$terrain_feature}} in the {{cardinal_direction}}.


{$settlement_name}, the capital of {$kingdom_name}


The {{ lower input:Settlement_type }} of {$settlement_name}



District and faction summary for players

{% divine_domain = roll_chart id:80757 %}
{%if civ.Language == "Ancient Greek"%}
{% deity = { of **{$divine_domain.1.value} {$divine_domain.2.value}**} %}
{% goddess = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
{% god = {$male} |> split sep:" " %}
{% deity = { of **{{$goddess.1}, the goddess|{$god.1}, the god} of {$divine_domain.2.value}**} %}

{%for faction in factions%}
{% district_underscored = faction.District |> split sep:" " |> join sep:"_" %}
{%if settlement.$district_underscored == "PRESENT"%}

{{ {faction.District == "Castle" or faction.District == "Academy"} |> if_true then:{$settlement_name} }} {{faction.District}}

{{- {faction.District == "Temple hill"} |> if_true then:{$deity} }}
{{- {faction.District != "Lower city" and faction.District != "Docks" and faction.District != "Entertainment district"} |> if_true then:{ led by **{$faction.Leader.rolled}**} }}.

Above chapters can be sent to players. Below chapters contain GM secrets.

{%if settlement.Castle != ""%}

{$settlement_name} castle

Random location: Roll on "Castle locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d8) + 2}} %}
Random guard Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d30) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Is armed with a spear and a large shield, has a sword as a sidearm and wears plate armour
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


Ruled by {$factions.1.Leader.rolled} (age {$ruler.Age}, level {$ruler.Level})
{% level = ruler.Level %}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d12) + 3}} %}
Party's first contact with a court member: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d50) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

Court members are members of the ruling family and branch families, their advisors and attendants.

{%if settlement.Lower_city != ""%}

Lower city

Random location: Roll on "Lower city locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d5)}} %}
Random youth Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d25) + 4}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d4 + 3}} %}
Led by {$factions.2.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d10) + 14}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d4) + 1}} %}
Party's first contact in the gang: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d14) + 6}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

The gang lives off theft, fraud, begging, keeping watch and running errands - sometimes all at once. They share their spoils and take turns keeping watch at their secret hideout.

{%if settlement.Docks != ""%}


Random location: Roll on "Docks locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d12)}} %}
Random sailor or fisher Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d30) + 15}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d8) + 5}} %}
Led by {$factions.3.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d30 + 24}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d6) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact in the ring: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d20) + 21}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

Ring members follow their leader's assignments, such as acquiring or guarding illegal or heavily taxed goods, smuggling them into or out of a city or looking for buyers.

{%if settlement.Market != ""%}


Random location: Roll on "Market locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d10)}} %}
Random peddler or shopkeeper Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d60) + 15}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d6 + 6}} %}
Led by {$factions.4.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d40 + 28}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d6) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact with a guild member: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d40) + 21}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

Guild members are merchants who import goods from their homeland and from other kingdoms covered by this guild's trade routes as well as local shop owners who have attained the right to sell these goods by becoming members of this guild.

{%if settlement.Workshops != ""%}


Random location: Roll on "Workshops locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d12) + 2}} %}
Random smith, craftsman or shop vendor Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d60) + 18}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d6 + 6}} %}
Led by {$factions.5.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d40 + 28}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d8) + 4}} %}
Party's first contact with a guild member: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d40) + 21}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

A crafts guild establishes a monopoly in the city by uniting all craftsmen of their trade. They set and verify prices and quality standards of their products and services and pressure or bribe the city's ruler into cutting taxes on their goods or providing military or legal protection.

{%if settlement.Temple_hill != ""%}

Temple hill

{% divine_domain = roll_chart id:80757 %}
{%if civ.Language == "Ancient Greek"%}
Random location: Roll on "Temple hill locations" {$divine_domain.1.value} {$divine_domain.2.value}.
{% goddess = {$female} |> split sep:" " %}
{% god = {$male} |> split sep:" " %}
Random location: Roll on "Temple hill locations" Resolve: {{$goddess.1}, the goddess|{$god.1}, the god} of {$divine_domain.2.value}.

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d14)}} %}
Random Resolve: {nun or priestess **{$female}**|monk or priest **{$male}**} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d60) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d6 + 6}} %}
The order is led by {$factions.6.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll highest(1, 2d40) + 35}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d8) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact in the order: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d40) + 22}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

Aside from regular prayer, monks and nuns do general labour for the temple as well as create art, perform music and copy scriptures. Priests and priestesses promote the god of their temple by leading rituals for annual events like solstices or equinoxes, blessing births, marriages or deaths, new buildings, new mines, new ships, new trade missions or new military campaigns, depending on their god's domain.

{%if settlement.Entertainment_district != ""%}

Entertainment district

Random location: Roll on "Entertainment district locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d12) + 2}} %}
Random innkeeper or tavernkeeper Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d40) + 19}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d6 + 6}} %}
Led by {$factions.7.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d30 + 21}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d4) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact in the organization: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d30) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Is armed with a mace, is ready to draw throwing knives and wears quilted armour
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

The organization could be dealing in gambling, loan sharking, armed robbery, blackmail, spreading rumours and possibly slavery, prostitution or drug trafficking depending on how grim you want your setting to be.

{%if settlement.Barracks != ""%}


Random location: Roll on "Barracks locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d14)}} %}
Random soldier or officer Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d30) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
{%if level < 5-%}
* Resolve: {Is armed with a **hunting bow**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears no armour|Is armed with a **spear** and a **large shield**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears **quilted** armour}
* Resolve: {Is armed with a **war bow** or a **crossbow**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears **quilted** armour|Is armed with a **javelin** and a **small shield**, has a **dagger**, a **sling** and a **quiver of javelins** at the ready and wears **quilted** armour|Is armed with an **axe** and a **large shield**, has a **sword** as a sidearm and wears **mail** armour}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d6 + 7}} %}
Led by {$factions.8.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d30 + 25}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Is armed with a war bow, has a two-handed sword, a mace and a dagger as sidearms and wears plate armour
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d8) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact in the army: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d30) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
{%if level < 5-%}
* Resolve: {Is armed with a **hunting bow**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears no armour|Is armed with a **spear** and a **large shield**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears **quilted** armour}
* Resolve: {Is armed with a **war bow** or a **crossbow**, has a **dagger** as a sidearm and wears **quilted** armour|Is armed with a **javelin** and a **small shield**, has a **dagger**, a **sling** and a **quiver of javelins** at the ready and wears **quilted** armour|Is armed with an **axe** and a **large shield**, has a **sword** as a sidearm and wears **mail** armour}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

The legion mans the city walls, patrols the city and nearby lands, escorts tax collectors and trade caravans, trains new recruits, subdues revolts, intimidates noble families with their presence and fights wars with neighbouring kingdoms.

{%if settlement.Upper_city != ""%}

Upper city

Random location: Roll on "Upper city locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d8) + 1}} %}
Random servant Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d60) + 14}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d8 + 7}} %}
Led by {$factions.9.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll 1d50 + 29}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d6) + 2}} %}
Party's first contact - a servant of the family: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d50) + 17}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)

If the faction is a politically active noble house, then they organize plenty of events for other nobles, mingle, bribe and arrange marriages to increase their influence.

If the faction is a cult or a secret society, then they organize secret gatherings and perform rituals or indulge in taboo practices, lure in new members with promises of power, prestige or secrets, collect membership fees and silence traitors with threats of no way out.

{%if settlement.Academy != ""%}

{$settlement_name} Academy

Random location: Roll on "Academy locations"

{% level = {{lowest(1, 3d6)}} %}
Random student Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 3d30) + 16}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


{% level = {{1d10 + 7}} %}
Led by {$factions.10.Leader.rolled} (age Resolve: {Roll highest(1, 2d40) + 35}, level {{level}})
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)
* Goal: {{faction_leader_goals}}
* Plan to attain their goal: (outline the plan in a few sentences)

{% level = {{lowest(1, 2d8) + 4}} %}
Party's first contact with an instructor: Resolve: {{$female}|{$male}} (age Resolve: {Roll lowest(1, 2d40) + 23}, level {{level}}) who {{motives}}
{% abilities_count = roll_chart_view source:{{ability_counts.$level}} %}
{%if abilities_count != 0-%}
* Is Attuned and prefers to use {{ abilities |> unq_rows count:{$abilities_count} |> join sep:", " }}
* Weakness: {$weaknesses}
* Asset: {$assets}
* Attitude towards the party: (define after encountering them)


Settlements (d12)

d12 Type Feature Districts Lower city Market Workshops Entertainment district Upper city Castle Barracks Docks Temple hill Academy



{{ rtrim input:{A part of the city is sunken into the sea.
|A sprawling network of caves and tunnels under the city that house temples, catacombs, siege shelters, storage vaults and secret passages to supply the city during a siege.
|The lower city is a layered cake of mud brick houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all floors.
|Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Gardens cover the rooftops of the lower city.
|Famous among travellers for its colossal statue.
|Famous among travellers for its tall castle tower.
|Famous among travellers for its grand temple.
|Famous among travellers for its imposing mausoleum.
|Famous among travellers for its tall lighthouse.
|A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|Crisscrossed by canals and linked by bridges.
|Hugging a holy mountain, with the temple district located along its ascent and at its peak.
|Flanked by a high sandstone cliff shaped into reliefs of gods or kings and housing the temple district at its peak as well as in the caves of the cliff face.
|The city stands on the shores of a strait of the same name. Toll paid by passing merchant ships is an important source of income.
|Snuggly squeezed between cliffs and the sea.} }}













Port city

{{ rtrim input:{A part of the city is sunken into the sea.
|The lower city is a layered cake of mud brick houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all floors.
|Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Gardens cover the rooftops of the lower city.
|Famous among travellers for its colossal statue.
|Famous among travellers for its tall castle tower.
|Famous among travellers for its grand temple.
|Famous among travellers for its imposing mausoleum.
|Famous among travellers for its tall lighthouse.
|Crisscrossed by canals and linked by bridges.
|Hugging a holy mountain, with the temple district located along its ascent and at its peak.
|Flanked by a high sandstone cliff shaped into reliefs of gods or kings and housing the temple district at its peak as well as in the caves of the cliff face.
|The city stands on the shores of a strait of the same name. Toll paid by passing merchant ships is an important source of income.
|Snuggly squeezed between cliffs and the sea.} }}











Walled town

{{ rtrim input:{A sprawling network of caves and tunnels under the city that house temples, catacombs, siege shelters, storage vaults and secret passages to supply the city during a siege.
|The lower city is a layered cake of mud brick houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all floors.
|Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Gardens cover the rooftops of the lower city.
|Famous among travellers for its colossal statue.
|Famous among travellers for its tall castle tower.
|Famous among travellers for its grand temple.
|Famous among travellers for its imposing mausoleum.
|A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|Crisscrossed by canals and linked by bridges.
|Hugging a holy mountain, with the temple district located along its ascent and at its peak.
|Flanked by a high sandstone cliff shaped into reliefs of gods or kings and housing the temple district at its peak as well as in the caves of the cliff face.
|Perched on a defendable hilltop.} }}









Academy town

{{ rtrim input:{A sprawling network of caves and tunnels under the city that house temples, catacombs, siege shelters, storage vaults and secret passages to supply the city during a siege.
|The lower city is a layered cake of mud brick houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all floors.
|Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Gardens cover the rooftops of the lower city.
|Famous among travellers for its colossal statue.
|Famous among travellers for its imposing mausoleum.
|A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|Crisscrossed by canals and linked by bridges.
|Perched on a defendable hilltop.} }}








Castle town

{{ rtrim input:{The lower city is a layered cake of mud brick houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all floors.
|Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Famous among travellers for its colossal statue.
|Famous among travellers for its tall castle tower.
|A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|Perched on a defendable hilltop.} }}







Mining town

{{ rtrim input:{1-3?The lower city is a layered cake of stone houses built on top of each other. A mess of rope bridges connects them on all levels.
|4?Narrow streets and thick stone walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|5?A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|6-10?Perched on a defendable mountain outcropping.
|11-20?} }}







Trading post

{{ rtrim input:{1?Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|2-4?Perched on a defendable hilltop.
|5-8?} }}











Pilgrimage site

{{ rtrim input:{Narrow streets and thick mud brick walls provide coolness and shade from the scorching sun.
|Famous among travellers for its grand temple.
|Famous among travellers for its imposing mausoleum.
|Under the canopy of tall trees hides a network of tree houses connected by rope bridges and ladders.
|A gorge with a roaring waterfall, buildings lining its banks and several bridges crossing it downstream.
|Hugging a holy mountain, with the temple district located along its ascent and at its peak.
|Flanked by a high sandstone cliff shaped into reliefs of gods or kings and housing the temple district at its peak as well as in the caves of the cliff face.
|Perched on a defendable hilltop.} }}





Fishing village





Military camp

{{ rtrim input:{1?Under the canopy of tall trees hides a network of tree houses connected by rope bridges and ladders.
|2-5?Perched on a defendable hilltop.
|6-10?} }}





Farming village or hamlet