Outposts - Starts Without Number

Outpost with Learners and Missions


By Kevin Crawford From Sine Nomine Publishing



{%reward={JOIN( " or ", UNQ(2, CHART(46793)))}%}

Outpost {$name}

Main Services: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "Outpost Services" 2 times (unique results only)).

Main Product: Roll on "What Is Its Current Main Product"

Roll on "Types of Outpost Government"


Outpost {$name}, Roll on "How Vertical is the Architecture" outpost. Originally founded as a Roll on "Why Was It Founded" by Roll on "What Patron Founded It". The Outpost Roll on "Is It Serving Its Purpose" Outpost {$name} went thought a period of Roll on "An Event that Happened" (columns: 1) and Roll on "An Event that Happened" (columns: 2). Former Leader once Roll on "What's The Worst the Outpost's Done".


{$name}'s Leader Roll on "How Long Have They Ruled?"  via Roll on "What's Their Strongest Tool of Rule" and Roll on "How Were They Chosen". The Leaders Roll on "The Popular Attitude About Them". Roll on "What Use is One Group to the Other"

Wants from PC: JOIN(" or ", Roll on "What Do They Want From the PCs" 2 times (unique results only)).
Reward Offered: LOWER(Roll on {$reward})

Leader Quirk: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "Quirks of the Leader" 2 times (unique results only)).

Rival Leader

Rival Leader is supported by Roll on "Who Are Their Main Supporters" because Roll on "Why Are They Supported".

Rival Leader has not succeeded because Roll on "Why Haven't They Taken Ove", but recently Roll on "What's Their Latest Action".

Rival Status: Roll on "How Known Is Their Opposition?".

Rival Quirks: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "Quirks of the Rival" 2 times (unique results only)).


Attitude Towards PCs: Roll on "How Do They Treat Adventurers".

Status: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "What's A Local Infrastructure Problem" 2 times (unique results only)).

Reason Service stopped: Roll on "Why Can't They Offer the Service?"

They Want: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "What Do They Want" 2 times (unique results only))

Inhabitants show a Roll on "What is the Outpost's Overall Mood" (columns: 1) mood. Roll on "What is the Outpost's Overall Mood" (columns: 2) Made obvious by Roll on "Where is the Mood Most Obvious". Roll on "What Twist Exists In Its Context" 2 times (unique results only)

Local Relations

Roll on "How Frequent are Interactions". PC's interact mostly with Roll on "What Outpost Dwellers Interact Most"

Current Problem: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "What's the Current Problem?" 2 times (unique results only))

Happenings: JOIN(" and ", Roll on "What's Happening Right Now" 2 times (unique results only))


Roll on "How Vertical is the Architecture". JOIN(" and ", Roll on "General Outpost Layout" 2 times (unique results only)) JOIN(" and ", Roll on "Quirk of the Place" 2 times (unique results only)). Buildings of Roll on "Popular Building Shapes and Outlines" in Roll on "Color Palettes".