Fantasy - CreatureGen

You can find a collection including all of my public charts here:


{% BodyShapeVar = {CHART(53921)} %}

{% SpecialAbilities = {JOIN("&DIVIDE&", UNQ(5, CHART(53945)))} %}

{% SpecialAbilityArray = split sep:"&DIVIDE&" source:{$SpecialAbilities} %}

This Roll on "Size", JOIN(", ", Roll on "DistinctiveFeature" 1d4 times (unique results only)) creature has LOWER(Roll on "BasicCharacteristics")-like features with {{ a_an input:{{BodyShapeVar}} }} body plan. It moves Roll on "Movement" and mainly attacks Roll on "AttackMethod". It also has {{SpecialAbilityArray.1}}Resolve: {25%?|, as well as {{SpecialAbilityArray.2}}{25%?|{|,{| {{SpecialAbilityArray.5}},} {{SpecialAbilityArray.4}}}, and {{SpecialAbilityArray.3}}}}. The creature is driven to attack Roll on "Motivation", and Roll on "CombatTactics". Resolve: {99%?|Roll on "Special"}